Examples of Senior Solicitor in a sentence
The Senior Solicitor detailed the appeals process as well as the costs and potential costs to the Applicant.
Ms Hannah Macleod, Senior Solicitor, explained to the Area Partnership that under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 the Council was required to establish and maintain a register of property which was held by the authority as part of the Common Good (“a Common Good Register”).
Additional Criteria for Senior Solicitor: Substantial post admission experience in areas of law relevant to the work of Women’s Legal Service NSW (such as domestic violence, sexual assault, discrimination or family law) and managing and litigating complex cases.
The Board will appoint a Senior Solicitor to act as Legal Advisor to the Board.
At HCLC, Justin worked on mainly housing cases, supporting HCLC Senior Solicitor Nathaniel Mathews with eviction and homelessness matters.
Head of Planning Contact Officer: Nat Belderson Tel: 01243 558709 email: Nat.belderson@southdowns.gov.uk Appendices Location Map SDNPA Consultees Senior Solicitor.
This item was introduced by the Senior Solicitor who explained that the purpose of the report was for Member agreement to a Pay Policy Statement, in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act.
An ESCC Senior Solicitor reported on legal issues associated with the highways function within the Boroughs.
Once approved, the original authorisation and accompanying paperwork must be forwarded to the RIPA Co-Ordinator (Senior Solicitor – Corporate Legal Team) to allocate the application a Unique Reference Number (URN) and for key details to be entered onto the central register.
The Senior Solicitor announced on behalf of the Monitoring Officer that Councillor P A Davies would replace Councillor C E Rees as a Member of the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee.