Examples of Septic waste in a sentence
Septic waste produced in scattered sites will also pose a problem to human health.
Septic waste servicing permits may be issued by the Township Board after a hearing as provided herein for disposal of septic waste within the Township.
Septic waste disposal shall be limited to Monday thru Friday between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm.
Septic waste (i.e., any human excrement or other substance removed from a portable toilet, septic tank, seepage pit, outdoor privy, cesspool, sewage lift station or other septic enclosure) shall not be disposed of within this Township except as expressly authorized in Section 4 hereof.
Septic waste shall be removed, treated (dewatered in accordance with Washington administrative code (WAC) 173-303-140(4)(b), including pathogen reduction in accordance with 40 CFR 503, Appendix B) and contained before transportation to Container Transfer Area (CTA).