Examples of Service contract term in a sentence
If you do not complete your 24-month Service contract term, the amount of your Contract Buy-Out credit will be charged to your credit card/debit card and an Early Termination Fee will apply.
If you do not complete your 24-month Service contract term, the amount of your Contract Buy- Out credit will be charged to your credit card/debit card and an Early Termination Fee will apply.
A tárgyalópartnerek között meghatározó súllyal bírt a sok- szoros bajnok és kupagyőztes férfi röplabda csapat (mai nevén FINO Kaposvár SE), a 2001.
The Customer will not engage or employ by way of contract, full-time employment, through an agent or through any 3rd party any current or past employee employed by The Supplier within at least the last 12 months, for a minimum of 12 months after the end of the Customer’s newest Service contract term or last invoice from The Supplier to the Customer, whichever ends last.
Initial information on these changes has only just been released during the summer of 2021.• To align the C&G Screening Service contract term to other GM local authorities to give the opportunity for collaborative commissioning, service delivery and monitoring, which would benefit all parties in terms of better of value for money and effective use of resources.
We compared V-Gas with two other fuzzing tools: SlowFuzz [52] and PerfFuzz [40].
Initial information on these changes has only just been released during the summer of 2021. To align the C&G Screening Service contract term to other GM local authorities to give the opportunity for collaborative commissioning, service delivery and monitoring, which would benefit all parties in terms of better of value for money and effective use of resources.
Cabinet approval is therefore being sought to extend the current 0-19 Public Health Nursing Service contract term with HDFT NHS for a term of 9 months with the option to extend for a further 3 months if required (12 months in total).
Customers who elect firm noncore intrastate transportation service will only be able to change this election at the end of the term of their Firm Service contract term.
The development of an options appraisal and the implementation of Cabinet’s eventual preferred model will be time consuming and significantly longer than the duration remaining on the current 0-19 Public Health Nursing Service contract term (i.e. 3 months).