Service Entrance definition

Service Entrance means the entrance into a building, which is normally used by persons entering such building for the purposes of delivering goods or rendering maintenance service as opposed to the main or principal entrance and shall include a door giving access to a garage.
Service Entrance means Customer-owned wire and enclosures connecting the Customer's service equipment to the Company's service drop or service lateral. This includes the Customer's service entrance conductors, the meter socket, the main disconnect where mounted separately, and the conduit or cable run on the exterior of the building or other support;
Service Entrance means an entrance intended primarily for delivery of goods and services.

Examples of Service Entrance in a sentence

  • For those customers whose electricity is delivered through more than one meter, service for each meter shall be computed separately under this rate unless conditions in accordance with the Company's Schedule #4 (Totalized Metering of Multiple Service Entrance Sections At a Single Premise for Standard Offer and Direct Access Service) are met.

  • Service must be supplied as specified by individual customer contract and the Company's Schedule #4 (Totalized Metering of Multiple Service Entrance Sections At a Single Premise for Standard Offer and Direct Access Service).

  • In addition to the PSE Handbook, metering installations shall comply with the requirements of the Electric Utility Service Entrance Requirement Committee (EUSERC), Section 300 or 400, as appropriate.

  • Please see table 3.3, “Available Service Voltages and Maximum Secondary Service Entrance Ratings” for more information.City Light may provide additional secondary services to development sites in some circumstances, for example:• To allow for an additional secondary voltage to serve the same site if a pole or underground facility is available to accommodate the necessary equipment.

  • Low Voltage Service Entrance and All Feeders – rigid steel conduit, exposed/concealed in ceiling/double walls, embedded in concrete walls/slabs or ran underground encased in concrete.

More Definitions of Service Entrance

Service Entrance means an entrance intended primarily for delivery of goods or services.
Service Entrance means the entrance into a building which is normally used by persons accessing the building for the purpose of delivering goods or rendering maintenance service as opposed to the main or principal entrance;
Service Entrance means an opening in a school bus used to load or unload passengers.
Service Entrance means the location on the consumer's property where the consumer's main disconnect switch, fuses or other disconnect equipment exists, and which are intended to provide the means of cutoff of the supply.
Service Entrance means that entrance into a building which would normally be used by persons entering that building for the purpose of delivering goods or rendering maintenance service.
Service Entrance means the point at which the service wires enter the Customer’s building;
Service Entrance shall have the meaning given such term in the Lease Agreement.