Disconnect Switch. The Utility may require the Interconnection Customer to install a manual load- break disconnect switch or safety switch as a clear visible indication of switch position between the Utility System and the Interconnection Customer. The switch must have padlock provisions for locking in the open position. The switch must be visible to, and accessible to Utility personnel. The switch must be in close proximity to, and on the Interconnection Customer's side of the point of electrical interconnection with the Utility's System. The switch must be labeled "Generator Disconnect Switch." The switch may isolate the Interconnection Customer and its associated load from the Utility's System or disconnect only the Generator from the Utility's System and shall be accessible to the Utility at all times. The Utility, in its sole discretion, determines if the switch is suitable and necessary. When the installation of the switch is not otherwise required (e.g. National Electric Code, state or local building code) and is deemed necessary by the Utility for certified, inverter-based generators no larger than 10 kW, the Utility shall reimburse the Interconnection Customer for the reasonable cost of installing a switch that meets the Utility's specifications.
Disconnect Switch. The Disconnect Switch will be rated 242 kV, 2000A, 900 KVIL with an auxiliary switch attachment to indicate position status.
Disconnect Switch. Customer-Generator shall comply with the Rule regarding disconnect switches. The disconnect switch may be located more than 10 feet from the public utility meter if permanent instructions are posted at the meter indicating the precise location of the disconnect switch. The public utility must approve the location of the disconnect switch prior to the installation of the net metering facility.
Disconnect Switch. The Cooperative may require the interconnection Customer to install a manual load- break disconnect switch or safety switch as a clear visible indication of switch position between the Cooperative System and the interconnection Customer. The switch must have padlock provisions for locking in the open position. The switch must be visible to, and accessible to Cooperative personnel. The switch must be in close proximity to, and on the Interconnection Customer's side of the point of electrical interconnection with the Cooperative's system. The switch must be labeled "
Disconnect Switch. A visible open disconnect device installed by Customer that completely isolates the Customer’s GF from the APS System, including the Utility metering equipment located at the SES.
Disconnect Switch. Customer-Generator shall comply with the Rule regarding disconnect switches. The disconnect switch may be located more than 10 feet from the public utility meter if permanent instructions are posted at the meter indicating the precise location of the disconnect switch. Rocky Mountain Power must approve the location of the disconnect switch prior to the installation of the net metering facility.
Disconnect Switch. The Utility may require the Interconnection Customer to install a manual load- break disconnect switch or safety switch as a clear visible indication of switch position between the Utility System and the Interconnection Customer. The switch must have pad lock provisions for locking in the open position. The switch must be visible to, and accessible to Utility personnel. The switch must be in close proximity to, and on the Interconnection Customer’s side of the point of electrical interconnection with the Utility's System. The switch must be labeled "Generator Disconnect Switch.” The switch may isolate the Interconnection Customer and its associated load from the Utility's System or disconnect only the Generator from the Utility's System and shall be accessible to the Utility at all times. The Utility, in its sole discretion, determines if the switch is suitable and necessary. When the installation of the switch is not otherwise required (e.g. National Electric Code, state or local building code), and is deemed necessary by the Utility for certified, inverter-based generators of 10 kW or less, the Utility shall reimburse the Interconnection Customer for the reasonable cost of installing a switch that meets the Company’s specifications. ANSI C84.1-1995 Electric Power Systems and Equipment – Voltage Ratings (60 Hertz) IEEE 1547, Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems (including use of IEEE 1547.1 testing protocols to establish conformity) IEEE Std 100-2000, IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronic Terms IEEE Std 519-1992, IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems IEEE Std C37.108-1989 (R2002), IEEE Guide for the Protection of Network Transformers IEEE Std C37.90.1-1989 (R1994), IEEE Standard Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Protective Relays and Relay Systems IEEE Std C37.90.2 (1995), IEEE Standard Withstand Capability of Relay Systems to Radiated Electromagnetic Interference from Transceivers IEEE Std C57.12.44-2000, IEEE Standard Requirements for Secondary Network Protectors IEEE Std C62.41.2-2002, IEEE Recommended Practice on Characterization of Surges in Low Voltage (1000V and Less) AC Power Circuits IEEE Std C62.45-1992 (R2002), IEEE Recommended Practice on Surge Testing for Equipment Connected to Low-Voltage (1000V and Less) AC Power Circuits NEMA MG 1-1998, Motors and Small Resources, Revision 3 NEMA MG 1-2003 (Rev 2004), Motors and Generat...
Disconnect Switch. In order to provide adequate safety to Cooperative employees, before connection to the Cooperative’s system, the DG Owner shall furnish and install an Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL) listed manual disconnect switch between the DG Owner’s QF and the Cooperative’s system in order that the QF may be positively disconnected from Cooperative’s system. The location of the switch shall be properly grounded, accessible at all times and located near the main electric meter for ease of access by Kankakee Valley REMC personnel. The switch shall be capable of being locked in an open position but will not normally be locked. The switch must be labeled to identify its function. SAMPLE
Disconnect Switch. The Utility may require the Interconnection Customer to install a manual load- break disconnect switch or safety switch as a clear visible indication of switch position between the Utility System and the Interconnection Customer. The switch must have padlock provisions for locking in the open position. The switch must be visible to, and accessible to Utility personnel. The switch must be in close proximity to, and on the Interconnection Customer's side of the point of electrical interconnection with the Utility's System. The switch must be labeled "
Disconnect Switch. The Utility may require the interconnection Customer to install a manual load- break disconnect switch or safety switch as a clear visible indication of switch position between the Utility System and the interconnection Customer. The switch must have padlock provisions for locking in the open position. The switch must be visible to, and accessible to Utility personnel. The switch must be in close proximity to, and on the Interconnection Customer's side of the point of electrical interconnection with the Utility's system. The switch must be labeled "Generator Disconnect Switch." The switch may isolate the Interconnection Customer and its associated load from the Utility's System or disconnect only the Generator from the Utility's System and shall be accessible to the Utility at all times. The Utility, in its sole discretion, determines if the switch is suitable and necessary. When the installation of the switch is not otherwise required (e.g. National Electric Code, state or local building code, and is deemed necessary by the Utility for certified, inverter-based generators no larger than 10 kW, the Utility shall reimburse the Interconnection Customer for the reasonable cost of installing a switch that meets the Utility's specifications. document. If changes are accepted, subsequent sections of the document will need to be renumbered as appropriate . Responses Commented [A95]: Comment from IREC: IREC supports provisions, such as this one, that provide transparency and held ensure the utilities are held accountable to timelines. (WG1) Commented [A96]: December Comment from Dominion Energy: Dominion Energy: Communication between Developers and utilities for specific interconnection request status already exist under Reasonable Efforts language. Communication is two-way – utility updates Developer, but Developer can also request update of utility. Dispute process exists for failure of either Party to respond to the other. Additional and increased reporting requirements places additional administrative burden on the utilities which can slow the interconnection process rather than improve it. Recommend that discussion occur among Stakeholders as to how existing quarterly filed reports are being utilized.