Service establishment definition
Examples of Service establishment in a sentence
Part - V Specific Hygienic and Sanitary Practices to be followed by Practices to be followed by Food Business Operators engaged in catering / food service establishments In addition to Part-II the Catering/ food Service establishment in which food is being handled, processed, manufactured, stored, distributed and ultimately sold to the customers and the persons handling them should conform to the sanitary and hygienic requirement, food safety measures and other standard as specified below.
Title XXIII, Subtitle G, Rural Revitalization through Forestry, authorizes Forest Service establishment and implementation of educational programs and technical assistance to businesses, industries, and policy makers to create jobs, raise incomes, and increase public revenues in ways that are consistent with environmental concerns (FSH 1509.11, sec.
Customer shall be responsible for payment of charges for all services furnished by Company, including without limitation, Service establishment fees, Service connection charges and charges for enhanced features, sales and use taxes, other taxes required by law, fees or other exaction imposed by or for any municipal or other political authority against Company.
No Food Service establishment shall discharge or cause to be discharged into the sewer system FOG that exceeds a concentration level adopted by the Board or that may accumulate and/or cause or contribute to blockages in the sewer system or at the sewer system lateral which connects the Food Service Establishment to the sewer system.
Payment is to be made through a check, draft, or other negotiable instrument.Customer shall be responsible for payment of charges for all services furnished by Company, including without limitation, Service establishment fees, Service connection charges and charges for enhanced features, sales and use taxes, other taxes required by law, fees or other exaction imposed by or for any municipal or other political authority against Company.