Settlement Agreement for Scotland definition
Examples of Settlement Agreement for Scotland in a sentence
This creates a requirement for new licensed distributors to be able to join the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC), the Master Registration Agreement (MRA), and where appropriate comply with the Settlement Agreement for Scotland (SAS).Initially the impact of these changes was considered by the Distribution Business Focus Group (DBFG), an industry group established under the MRA Executive Committee (MEC).
In so far as the licensee shall distribute or offer to distribute electricity within any area of Scotland or to the extent that the Settlement Agreement for Scotland may apply in respect of the activities of the distribution business, the licensee shall comply with the relevant provisions of the Settlement Agreement for Scotland.
A Supplier is required by the Settlement Agreement for Scotland only to use Accredited Agents for the purposes of providing Meter Operation services.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Nominated LDSO is the LDSO who was responsible for a GSP Group on 1 August 2003 or the Scottish Distribution Licensee in respect of that Bulk Supply Point Group under the Settlement Agreement for Scotland on 1 August 2003.National Measurement Transformer Error StatementA list of Current Transformer and Voltage Transformer types which have been approved as an agreed list of national Generic Measurement Transformer Errors.
Subject to paragraphs 2 and 3, insofar as the licensee supplies or offers to supply electricity to any premises situated in Scotland, it shall become a party to and thereafter comply with the provisions of the Settlement Agreement for Scotland.