Shared Group definition
Examples of Shared Group in a sentence
The cost of Shared Group Key approach (called GKA) is more straight-forward: only pure modular exponentiations are 9 Forward secrecy (not to be confused with Perfect Forward Secrecy or PFS) guarantees that a passive adversary who knows a contiguous subset of old group keys cannot discover subsequent group keys.
Hence, in the Shared Group Key approach, the randomness of the master key does not depend on the ability of a “single” SAN entity to choose cryptographi- cally strong random keys.
Data Allowance for a Dynamic Shared Group (DSG) = Monthly Allowance per SIM multiplied by Number of XXXx in the DSG.
Shared Group 1", labelScale ) ); //add the first Link for the SharedGroup switchGroup.addChild( new Link( sharedGroup1 ) ); //add the second Link for the SharedGroup switchGroup.addChild( new Link( sharedGroup1 ) ); //Note.
Youagree that PROSTEP has no liability of any kind should other Users use, modify, destroy, corrupt, copy or distribute your Shared Group Content in violation of the limitations that you may impose on its use.
One of the major differences in the two approaches concerns the Master Key: In the Encrypted Master Key approach, the master key is chosen by a single SAN en- tity, whereas, in the Shared Group Key approach, the group key is determined by contributions from all SAN entities that have currently instantiated that virtual vol- ume.
As a result, the Shared Group Key approach is able to provide forward and backward secrecy (and therefore, key independence) in the current setting9.
Two differ- ent types of MKC-s are used depending upon whether Encrypted Master Key or Shared Group Key approach is used.
Further, it is your sole responsibility to determine what limitations are placed on your use of another User’s Shared Group Content, including by looking at a given Service’s functionality and Additional Terms along with any additional restrictions placed by such User on your use of their Shared Group Content.
While some Services offer functionality to limit another User’s use of your Shared Group Content, such limitations are not guaranteed and it is your sole responsibility to determine the limitations, if any, are placed on Shared Group Content that you distribute.