Shorelines of statewide significance definition

Shorelines of statewide significance means the following shorelines of the state:
Shorelines of statewide significance means those areas defined in RCW 90.58.030(2)(e).
Shorelines of statewide significance means the following

Examples of Shorelines of statewide significance in a sentence

  • Shorelines of statewide significance are of value to the entire state.

  • Shorelines of statewide significance, as defined in the Shoreline Management Act, are resources of major importance from which all people of the state derive benefit.

  • The elements may be addressed throughout master program provisions rather than used as a means to organize the master program.(c) Shorelines of statewide significance.

  • Shorelines of statewide significance are among the most valuable and fragile natural resources and there is great concern relating to their utilization, protection, and restoration.

  • Shorelines of state-wide significance as defined in RCW 90.58.030 or its successor.

More Definitions of Shorelines of statewide significance

Shorelines of statewide significance means those shore- lines of statewide significance defined in the Shoreline Management Act (SMA), RCW 90.58.030.
Shorelines of statewide significance means the following shorelines of the state, as applicable to the City: A. The area between the ordinary high water mark and the western boundary of the state from Cape Disappointment on the south to Cape Flattery on the north, including harbors, bays, estuaries, and inlets. B. Those natural rivers or segments thereof west of the crest of the Cascade range downstream of a point where the mean annual flow is measured at 1,000 cubic feet per second or more. C. Shorelands associated with the above.
Shorelines of statewide significance means those areas of Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca and adjacent salt water north to the Canadian line and lying seaward from the line of extreme low tide.
Shorelines of statewide significance means those areas of Puget Sound in the city of Federal Way lying seaward from the line of extreme low tide.
Shorelines of statewide significance. Means those marine water areas, water columns and submerged bedlands waterward of extreme low tide.
Shorelines of statewide significance means the shorelines of the Willapa River.
Shorelines of statewide significance means shorelines of the state that meet the criteria for shorelines of statewide significance contained in RCW 90.58.030(2)(e).