Examples of Significant part in a sentence
Significant part of trade receivables comprise credit card receivables and the Company has is not exposed to credit risk concerning credit card receivables.
Significant part of our products is sold to distributors who have primary responsibilities for products to be sold in their designated geographical areas.
Significant part of the housing stock transferred to municipalities from the state after 1989 was sold and only very small part is recently used for social purposes.
Profit before tax is arrived at after (crediting)/charging the following (incomes)/expenses: # Significant part of foreign exchange (gains)/losses, both realised and unrealised, pertain to cost of sales due to back to back nature of covering raw material copper prices and have been classified as “other (gains)/losses” in the income statement.
Significant part of projects operated through subsidiaries of the Investment Holding are located and operated in Poland, Russia and Ukraine and are held through Belgian and Cypriot holding structures.
Significant part of this business is out of contract manufacturing arrangement.RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (R&D)The R&D division continues to play an important role in your Company’s growth.
Significant part of them was hired by the HVA because was a responsible for MfS foreign activities.
Significant part of this burden fell on the poor because a major part of the government revenues were indirect taxes (Patibandla, 2006).
Significant part of the road is in flood prone area and overtopping was reported in major sections during monsoon.
Significant part of this increment (HUF 10,653 million) was caused by capitalizations and additional capitalizations of software rights of use (other software, IT systems, generally used software and network managing systems).The decrease is mainly due to the extension of the period of GSM concession rights (gross value is HUF 4,662 million, net value is zero) and scrapping of obsolete software rights shall not be used for other purposes (gross value is HUF 257 million, net value is zero).