Software Publisher definition
Examples of Software Publisher in a sentence
If Supplier or Software Publisher releases an option, future System Software product or other release that has substantially the same functionality as the Software products provided under this Contract, and Software Publisher and/or Supplier ceases to provide maintenance for the older System Software product, then Supplier shall offer the Commonwealth or the Authorized User the option to exchange licenses for such replacement System Software product or function at no additional charge.
If Supplier or Software Publisher reduces or replaces functionality contained in a licensed System Software product and provides the same or substantially similar functionality as or within a separate or renamed System Software product, then the Commonwealth or the Authorized User shall be entitled to license such System Software product at no additional license or maintenance fee, and subject to the terms and conditions herein.
Should Supplier or Software Publisher merge or splinter the System Software previously provided to any Authorized User, such action on the part of Supplier or Software Publisher shall not in any way result in any Authorized User being charged additional license or support fees in order to receive enhancements, releases, upgrades or support for the System Software.
Supplier shall have sole responsibility for ensuring that any such Software Publisher executes the LAA.
In addition, prior to manufacture of Executable Software, Publisher must sign an accountability form stating that (x) Publisher approves the release of such Executable Software for manufacture in its current form and (y) Publisher shall be fully responsible for any problems related to such Executable Software.
If the proprietary software proposed by the Bidder originates with multiple Software Publishers, authorization is required from each Software Publisher.
Although all the contents of the Software Publisher Certification Form are required, using the form itself to provide this information is not mandatory.
No Contract will be awarded to a Bidder who is not the Software Publisher of all of the proprietary software it proposes to supply to Canada, unless proof of this authorization has been provided to Canada.
Although all the contents of the Software Publisher Authorization Form are required, using the form itself to provide this information is not mandatory.
In the event that Publisher uses third party tools to develop Executable Software, Publisher shall be responsible for ensuring that it has obtained appropriate licenses for such use.