Examples of Solid waste landfill in a sentence
Solid waste landfill sites vary from state to state and may include active landfills, inactive landfills, incinerators, transfer stations, recycling facilities, and other facilities where solid waste is treated or stored.
Solid waste landfill" means a waste disposal facility for the disposal of solid waste on or in land.
Solid waste landfill closure and post-closure care requirements have been defined in accordance with industry standards and include final covering and landscaping of the landfill, removal of ground water and leachates and ongoing environmental monitoring, site inspection and maintenance.
Solid waste landfill closure and post-closure care requirements have been defined in accordance with industry standards and include final covering and landscaping of the landfill, management of ground water and leachates, and ongoing environmental monitoring, site inspection and maintenance.
Solid waste landfill closure and postclosure costs are accounted for in accordance with guidelines recommended by GASB Statement Number 18, Accounting for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Closure and Postclosure Costs.