Examples of Sorting Services in a sentence
Without limiting the forgoing, the Operator must not Bale any Containers that are to be collected by a Logistics Services provider in a manner that prevents or hampers the provider of Bulk Sorting Services or Processing Provider to whom the Containers will be delivered from readily separating and individually counting the Baled Containers.
The Board announces that TPV Display and Panda FPD entered into the Panda FPD Quality Sorting Services Agreement on 11 December 2018.
As the highest applicable percentage ratio (other than the profits ratio) as defined under the Listing Rules in respect of the Panda FPD Quality Sorting Services Annual Caps exceeds 0.1% but all applicable percentage ratios are less than 5%, the Panda FPD Quality Sorting Services Continuing Connected Transaction is subject to the announcement, annual review and reporting requirements but exempt from independent shareholders’ approval requirement under the Listing Rules.
The Operator must, at all times, use best endeavours to co-operate with the Principal, any provider of Bulk Sorting Services, any relevant Processing Services Provider and Other Service Providers in all matters relating to this Agreement and to the Scheme.
In addition, the Panda FPD Quality Sorting Services Agreement can be terminated by TPV Display in writing to Panda FPD if, among other things, Panda FPD commits a breach and fails to remedy that breach within the required period after the notice given by TPV Display.
The Bank has over 20 million customers served through 100% networked branches and under Core Banking Solution in 29 states and 2 union territories.This Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is floated by Bank of Maharashtra (“Bank”) for appointment of Service provider for Currency Note Sorting Services with necessary Staff & Note Sorting Machines for its currency chests.
Pursuant to the Panda FPD Quality Sorting Services Agreement, TPV Display (including its parent companies, subsidiaries and close associates) may provide quality sorting and related services on LCD panels sold by Panda FPD (including its parent companies, subsidiaries and close associates).
All are in line with the targets of the ICT curricula.Less than half of Portuguese teenagers reported having received training on a recurring basis in school on skills related to privacy and reputation issues, despite these being part of the ICT curriculum.
Embrex will use commercially reasonable efforts to market --------- and exploit Gender Sorting Products developed pursuant to this Agreement and to market, sell and perform Gender Sorting Services.
If you are a Qualifying Non-CREST Shareholder, but are a CREST member and want your Open Offer Shares to be in uncertificated form, you should complete the CREST deposit form (contained in the Application Form), and ensure it is delivered to the CREST Courier and Sorting Services in accordance with the instructions in the Application Form.