Southern Foods definition

Southern Foods means Southern Foods Group, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership.
Southern Foods inquiry shall include, at a minimum, review of the General Services Administration's List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement or Non procurement Programs. Southern Foods' policy does not require Southern Foods to terminate the employment of individuals who become suspended or are proposed for debarment during their employment with Southern Foods. Southern Foods, however, will remove such employees from responsibility for, or involvement with, Government business until the resolution of such suspension or proposed debarment. In addition, if any employee of Southern Foods is charged with a criminal offense relating to Government business, Southern Foods will remove that employee immediately from responsibility for or involvement with Government business matters. If the employee is convicted or debarred, Southern Foods policy requires that the employee will be terminated from employment with Southern Foods. Southern Foods shall notify DLA of each such personnel action taken, and the reasons therefore, within 15 days of the action. The salary of any officer, employee, or consultant removed from Government contracting in accordance with the Southern Foods' policy set forth in this paragraph shall be unallowable for Government contracting purposes and shall not be charged either directly or indirectly to any Government contract. Southern Foods agrees to account separately for such costs.
Southern Foods business conduct in its dealings with all of its customers, including the Government; (c) Southern Foods' compliance with Federal procurement policies and accepted business practices; and (d) Southern Foods' compliance with the requirements of 4 - 4 - Government contracts or subcontracts. The materials described above shall be made available by Southern Foods upon Government request for inspection, audit, or reproduction at reasonable times. Further, for purposes of this provision, DLA or its authorized representative may interview any Southern Foods' employee who consents to be interviewed at the employee's place of business during normal business hours or at such other place and time as may be mutually agreed between the employee and DLA. Employees may elect to be interviewed with or without a representative of Southern Foods present.

Examples of Southern Foods in a sentence

  • Nussbaum”), formerly known as Southern Foods, Inc., is a North Carolina corporation with its principal place of business located in Greensboro, North Carolina.

  • We also consent to the application of our report dated March 31, 1998 to the Financial Statement Schedule for the three years ended December 31, 1997 listed under Item 21(ii) of this Registration Statement when such schedule is read in conjunction with the financial statements of Southern Foods Group L.P. referred to in our report.

  • XXXXXXX Wichita KS Owned Distribution Depot Southern Foods Group, LLC Owned Property 000 X.

  • Nothing in this Final Judgment shall prohibit the orderly transfer of business records, reports or accounting materials from Borden/Meadow Gold to Southern Foods or to Milk Products, which shall be accomplished within 120 days of the closing of the transaction.

  • Such Servicing Fee shall be allocated among WhiteWave Foods, Country Fresh, Land-O-Sun, Southern Foods, GTL, Tuscan Dairies, Xxxx Dairy Holdings, Suiza Dairy, each Xxxx Entity, each Additional Entity, the New WhiteWave Entity and each New Entity as such parties shall mutually determine.

More Definitions of Southern Foods

Southern Foods means SouthernFoods Group LP, a partnershiporganized under the laws of Delaware with headquarters in Dallas, Texas, its members, directors, officers, employees, affiliates, joint venture or limited liability company partners, successorsor assigns, or any agent or representative thereof.
Southern Foods compliance with this Agreement shall constitute an element of Southern Foods' present responsibility. Southern Foods' failure to meet any of the obligations pursuant to this Agreement constitutes a cause for suspension and/or debarment in addition to, and independent of, those set forth in 7 C.F.R. Part 3017 and shall result in the immediate suspension of Southern Foods in accordance with 7 C.F.R. Sections 3017.400-.420 and the simultaneous proposal to debar Southern Foods for three years in accordance with 7 C.F.R. Sections 3017.300-.325.
Southern Foods business conduct in its dealings with all of its customers; (c) Southern Foods' compliance with accepted business practices; and, (d) Southern Foods' compliance with the requirements of contracts involving Government programs. These materials shall be made available to FCS at all reasonable times for inspection, audit, or reproduction.
Southern Foods means Southern Foods Group LP, a partnership organized under the laws of Delaware with
Southern Foods. Southern Foods has and shall continuously enforce the following policy:
Southern Foods. Southern Foods has instituted and shall maintain an information and education program designed to assure that all management and sale employees are aware of all applicable laws, regulations, and standards of business conduct that employees are expected to follow and the consequences both to the employee and to the company that will ensue from any violation of such measures. A schedule and subject outline for the information and education program is included here as Exhibit 8 and is incorporated by reference into this Agreement.
Southern Foods shall report suspected misconduct involving or affecting Government business to DLA within fifteen (15) days after such misconduct is discovered by, known to, or disclosed to company management. The misconduct to be reported includes misconduct by any person, including, but not limited to, those associated with Southern Foods or with the Government and shall include misconduct disclosed to Southern Foods from any source. Southern Foods will investigate any report of misconduct that comes to its attention and will notify DLA of the outcome of the investigation and any potential or actual impact on any aspect of Southern Foods' Government business. Southern Foods will take corrective action, including prompt restitution of any harm to the Government. Southern Foods will include summary reports of the status of each such investigation to DLA in the reports submitted pursuant to Article 9 until each matter is finally resolved.