Examples of Specific assistance in a sentence
Specific assistance is offered to vulnerable persons and families.
Specific assistance and activities are identified and progress monitored.
Specific assistance costs reported must be limited to the portion attributable to the MDHHS contract.
Specific assistance is offered to vulnerable persons and families”, including transitional shelter and self-recovery for IDPs; and Self-help, Phased materials distribution and Technical advice for non- displaced owners, aiming to achieve “durable housing in less vulnerable locations, built back safer”.Since March 22nd 2010 (Shelter Cluster Position Paper), House Repair was not formally under the SC umbrella, but under Early Recovery Cluster´s22.
Specific assistance measures available to victims are described in the contracts concluded between the Ministry and the NGOs providing the services.
Specific assistance, protection and reintegration is provided vulnerable migrants and victims of trafficking in human beings, taking into account the gender and age of the victims and the consequences of the type of exploitation suffered.
Specific assistance and advice have been given to Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, India, Maldives, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Thailand.
Specific assistance includes identifying and documenting cost-effective poli cies and initiatives, measuring and evaluating the benefits of clean energy initiatives, offering tools, guidance, and outreach support, and fostering peer exchange opportunities.
Specific assistance includes transportation services from their residence to local providers for healthcare.
A2 Specific assistance with the completion or review of risk assessments, e.g., stress assessment.