Examples of Sporting Activity in a sentence
The subject site is currently zoned LI Limited Industrial (LI), and is developed with a one-story concrete block warehouse structure originally built in 1920 with an addition constructed in 1952.
Subject to the approval by the Environmental Health Officer, any recommendations of this report can be included on the drawings submitted with the building permit application for the fitout of the Indoor Sporting Activity and installed prior to issue of an occupancy permit.
The table below (Table 2) refers to the opening times of these existing tenancies and includes the proposed Indoor Sporting Activity hours for comparisons.
O - Unauthorised Absence.P - Approved Sporting Activity - Approved Educational Activity.
Together with the proposed use of Indoor Sporting Activity this results in a requirement for 25 bays for the site.
Submitters’ CommentsOfficer’s ResponsesParking – how will members of the gym obtain access to internal car baysA condition of approval is recommended to require the applicant to provide a satisfactory parking management plan.The comment is NOTED.Noise – the level of noise generated by the Indoor Sporting Activity use will be excessiveThe applicant has provided an acoustic report demonstrating that the proposal will achieve compliance with the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.
In June 2018, the City received an application for a Change of Use from Shop to Indoor Sporting Activity in a single storey commercial building on Lot 1, No. 3/129 Canning Highway, South Perth (the Site).
Additionally it is considered the proposed Indoor Sporting Activity use will be complementary to existing uses in the immediate vicinity of the site and that sufficient parking is provided.
R= 25A = 0.73P = 9S = 7 (refer to Application ID 11.2010.164.1) Shortfall of parking bays = 25 x .73 – 9 – 7 = 2.25 (3 Bays) The shortfall of 3 bays is only applicable to the proposed Indoor Sporting Activity as the additional use of Consulting Room was previously assessed to be compliant car parking requirements within Table 6 of the Scheme (11.2013.594.1).
Your Health & Sporting Activity - Wildwind considers the health and safety of its clients to be of paramount importance.