Examples of Staff Trustee in a sentence
The Staff Trustee is elected by staff and the Student Trustee by students (on courses lasting more than one year).Further InformationImportant information about the policies and procedures that apply to you and your course are contained in this Handbook and can be found on Moodle.
The Staff Trustee is elected by staff and the Student Trustee by students (on courses lasting more than one year).
Action Item: WEA/WSD Memorandum of Agreement – Flexibility Due to Shared Staff Trustee Clarke moved to approve the MOA as presented.
All members of the University’s professional services staff shall be eligible to stand for appointment to the Board of Trustees as a Professional Services Staff Trustee.
The University Secretary shall convene a committee for the purposes of considering applications to stand for appointment as a Professional Services Staff Trustee and to recommend candidates.
Quorum Every Trustee member of the Finance & Audit Committee shall have equal voting rights and a quorum shall consist of three Trustees, of which at least two must be neither a Parent nor a Staff Trustee.
The Staff Trustee is elected by staff and the Student Trustee by students (on courses lasting more than one year).Further InformationInformation about the Minster Centre regulations and procedures is available in thisHandbook and on Moodle.
In this Ordinance, references to a Professional Services Staff Trustee are deemed to be references to a “Support Staff Trustee” as defined by and referred to in Statute 15.1.
The Staff Trustee is elected by staff and the Student Trustee by students (on courses lasting more than one year).Further InformationInformation about the Minster Centre regulations and procedures is available in this Handbook and on Moodle.
Prior to (or upon, if the vacancy is a casual vacancy) a vacancy arising on the Board of Trustees for a Professional Services Staff Trustee, the Board of Trustees will consider the balance and range of skills, backgrounds and experience of the Board of Trustees.