Examples of Standard Construction Specifications in a sentence
E1.2.3 Further to C2.4(d), Specifications included in the Bid Opportunity shall govern over TheCity of Winnipeg Standard Construction Specifications.
The following documents are by this reference incorporated in and made a part of this Agreement: The 2016 Standard Construction Specifications adopted by the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors; the Special Provisions; the contract drawings, all addenda; the Notice to Contractors; the bid; all required bonds; and all supplemental Agreements covering alterations, amendments, or extensions to the contract.
Item No. 1 – Mobilization:See Standard Construction Specifications, Section 201.Payment for this bid item will be on a lump-sum basis and will include all equipment, labor, materials, and incidentals required to complete the work.
E1.2 The City of Winnipeg Standard Construction Specifications in its entirety, whether or not specifically listed on Form B: Prices, shall apply to the Work.E1.2.1 The City of Winnipeg Standard Construction Specifications is available on the Information Connection page at The City of Winnipeg, Corporate Finance, Materials Management Division website at http://www.winnipeg.ca/matmgt/Spec/Default.stmE1.2.2 The version in effect three (3) Business Days before the Submission Deadline shall apply.
The Standard Construction Specifications and Standard Details are not included in this bid package but are available on the City of Pueblo’s website.