Examples of Surface Works in a sentence
General.1 This specification provides general instructions, definitions of terms used in the Standard Construction Specifications, quality control measures for materials supplied, equipment used and submittals and shop drawings required for performing Underground and Surface Works.
Construction activities at similar locations, undertaken concurrently as a result of both major civil construction works (SVC) and construction of stations, rail infrastructure and systems (OTS) as well as other construction activity in the region, such as the Memorial road upgrade by Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) and works by Sydney Metro Northwest Tunnelling and Surface Works Contractor (TSC) will heighten impacts on stakeholders.
Volume 3: Surface Delivery [Ref 3] Learning Legacy DocumentMandates how the Crossrail Surface Directorate manage the Surface Works which comprise the On Network Works undertaken by Network Rail and other work by contractors engaged directly by Crossrail.
Upskilling shall not lead to a reclassification of the Employee unless the new skills are required at the Surface Works and the Employee is appointed by PC to a new position.
The Contamination Investigation Interpretive Report Exploratory Surface Works Roads – Ravine and Mine Trail was prepared by SMEC, September 2018, in order to assess the potential for disturbing contaminated, AMDs or NOA materials along the road alignment during exploratory works road construction.
Open Space Development and Trails: • As-builts* or Record Drawings *In lieu of As-builts at CCC, written certification that as-built plans and reports will be submitted to the City by March 1 of the year following the issuance of the Completion Certificate for Surface Works is required.
Prior to the installation of “Surface Works” for Draft Plan of Subdivision 30T-20401 as designated in a column set forth in Schedule ‘B’, the Letter of Credit deposited with the City shall be adjusted to fully indemnify the City against all costs related to the installation of the said Surface Works, to the satisfaction of the City’s Chief Financial Officer.
Aerohydro, of Southwest Harbor, Maine offered a program called Surface Works which had originally been developed to support the company’s ship design activities.
The Owner shall construct or install all Surface Works, services and facilities to the satisfaction of the City, in accordance with all City specifications and in a good and competent manner.
The Crossrail Surface Directorate will be supported, as described within the Community Relations Interface Document, by the Stakeholder Engagement team to: Support the interface between the design and delivery of the Surface Works and key stakeholders.