Study activities definition

Study activities means lectures, tutorials, practical work, field work, residential seminars or courses, compulsory work placements, consultation with thesis supervisors, and research or preparation for assignments or examinations.
Study activities means drug administration, device implantation or administration or any other activity that is required by the research protocol.
Study activities. [Briefly detail study activities that will commence at the site, such as surveys to be distributed to Site employees, interviews or interventions with patients, or access to database(s), etc.] Subject Enrollment: [Identify subject inclusion criteria and sample size target.] Site(s) Support: [Detail what support the study site(s) agree to provide to further the research, such as provide space to conduct study activities, authorize site employees to identify persons who might qualify for study, distribute questionnaires, retrieve patient data from Site files, provide tissue samples etc.] Data Management: [Briefly detail the data management plan—what data will be collected, whether data will be identifiable or de-identified, and what protections will be in place to protect the data, e.g. password protected, encryption, etc.] Other: [Outline any other agreements you and the organization have made to further the research, if applicable.] Anticipated End Date: [State the anticipated date you will conclude research activities at the study site.] We understand that this site’s participation will only take place during the study’s active IRB approval period. All study related activities must cease if IRB approval expires or is suspended. I understand that any activities involving Personal Private Information or Protected Health Information may require compliance with HIPAA Laws and Rutgers Policy. Our organization agrees to the terms and conditions stated above. If we have any concerns related to this project, we will contact the Principal Investigator. For concerns regarding IRB policy or human subject welfare, we may also contact the Rutgers IRB (see Regards, [Please ask the representative authorized to grant permission to use the site for research to provide the following]: [Signature of Research Site Authorized Representative] [Date Letter Signed] Signature [Full Name of Research Site Authorized Representative] Date Signed [Job Title of Research Site Authorized Representative] Full Name Job Title

Examples of Study activities in a sentence

  • In unusual cases where the Investigator requires work to be accomplished prior to the observation, e.g., Correlative Study activities at other wavelengths [see Article VIII [H] of these Terms and Conditions], up to 25% of the approved funds can be awarded before the first observation has been taken.

  • BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves amending the resolution of December 5, 2006, Course of Study activities to read: Lankershim Elementary School wishes to hire De Coster’s Kids to present “Prevention Through Motivation” on October 25, 2006.

  • Principal Investigator and Institution remain responsible for compliance with the terms of this Agreement with respect to any Study activities performed at a Facility, and for receiving all funds payable under the SOW and re-distributing such funds to Facility if applicable.

  • These changes must be consistent with federal and state LRE requirements.Through a number of on- and off-site Study activities, extensive data and information has been gathered.

  • Key projects for the OWP period include the launch or continuation of various Rural-Urban Connections Study activities focused on sustaining the economic health and quality of life for the region’s rural areas.

  • These documents provide further detail on the Study activities and material summarized within this Final Report.

  • The term “PMP” means the project management plan, and any modifications thereto, developed in consultation with the Non-Federal Sponsor, that specifies the scope, cost, and schedule for Study activities and tasks, including the Non-Federal Sponsor’s in-kind contributions, and that guides the performance of the Study.

  • Upon termination, Institution will cease Study subject enrollment and stop or complete Study activities as requested by Sponsor; provided, however, that if, at the time of termination pursuant to this section, any subjects are enrolled in the Study, Sponsor shall be responsible for all costs for safe withdrawal of the subjects from the Study.

  • The Implementability Study activities shall be performed concurrent with activities associated with the recontamination assessment.

  • Institution and Investigator may not begin any Study activities on a Study subject until Investigator obtains a signed informed consent form from the Study subject.

More Definitions of Study activities

Study activities. [Briefly detail study activities that will commence at the site, such as surveys to be distributed to Site employees, interviews or interventions with patients, or access to database(s), etc.] Subject Enrollment: [Identify subject inclusion criteria and sample size target.] Site(s) Support: [Detail what support the study site(s) agree to provide to further the research, such as provide space to conduct study activities, authorize site employees to identify persons who might qualify for study, distribute questionnaires, retrieve patient data from Site files, provide tissue samples etc.] Data Management: [Briefly detail the data management plan—what data will be collected, whether data will be identifiable or de-identified, and what protections will be in place to protect the data, e.g. password protected, encryption, etc.] Other: [Outline any other agreements you and the organization have made to further the research, if applicable.] Anticipated End Date: [State the anticipated date you will conclude research activities at the study site.] We understand that this site’s participation will only take place during the study’s active IRB approval period. All study related activities must cease if IRB approval expires or is suspended. I understand that any activities involving Personal Private Information or Protected Health Information may require compliance with HIPAA Laws and Rutgers Policy. Add INSERT here, when applicable. Our organization agrees to the terms and conditions stated above. If we have any concerns related to this project, we will contact the Principal Investigator. For concerns regarding IRB policy or human subject welfare, we may also contact the Rutgers IRB at xxxxx:// Regards, [Please ask the representative authorized to grant permission to use the site for research to provide the following]: [Signature of Research Site Authorized Representative] [Date Letter Signed] Signature [Full Name of Research Site Authorized Representative] Date Signed [Job Title of Research Site Authorized Representative] Full Name Job Title INSERT: [If the Non-Rutgers site chosen is a program principally engaged in the provision of education, including, but not limited to early childhood education, elementary and secondary education, postsecondary education, and adult education, add the following paragraph in the body of the text where indicated above:] Our organization agrees to ensure that the following requirements are followed in the co...
Study activities means the services and activities the Satellite Site must perform under this agreement, including those specified in Schedule 2.

Related to Study activities

  • Development Activities means those activities which have been approved for the Project as set out in the approved Plans and Specifications and, generally, activities that are normally undertaken for the development, construction, repair, renovation, rehabilitation or conversion of buildings for residential purposes and include the acquisition of property;

  • Activities has the meaning specified in Section 7.02(b).

  • High Risk Activities means activities where the use or failure of the Services would reasonably be expected to result in death, serious personal injury, or severe environmental or property damage (such as the creation or operation of weaponry).

  • Extracurricular activities means: a voluntary activity sponsored by the school or local education agency or an organization sanctioned by the local education agency. Extracurricular activities include, but are not limited to, preparation for and involvement in public performances, contests, athletic competitions, demonstrations, displays, and club activities.

  • School activities means any activity sponsored by the school including, but not limited to, classroom work, library activities, physical education classes, official assemblies and other similar gatherings, school athletic contests, band concerts, school plays and other theatrical productions, and in-school lunch periods.

  • Competing Activities means the same or similar services as Xxxxxx Xxx Ltd is providing to the Restaurant under this Agreement or other activities having a similar purpose.

  • licensed activities means things authorised to be done by the licence

  • Commercial cannabis activity means the production, cultivation,

  • Motorsport Activities means any motorsport activities or Recreational Services which are permitted or approved which Motorsport Australia regulates or administers or otherwise are under the responsibility / control of Motorsport Australia;

  • Research Plan shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1.

  • Power production activities means any business operation that involves a project commissioned by the government of Iran whose purpose is to facilitate power generation and delivery, including, but not limited to, establishing power-generating plants or hydroelectric dams, selling or installing components for the project, providing service contracts related to the installation or maintenance of the project, as well as facilitating such activities, including by providing supplies or services in support of such activities.

  • Research Program has the meaning set forth in Section 2.1.

  • Development Program means the implementation of the development plan.

  • Study means the investigation to be conducted in accordance with the Protocol.

  • Permitted Activities The primary activities of the trust created pursuant to this Agreement which shall be:

  • High-technology activity means that term as defined in section 3 of the Michigan economic growth authority act, 1995 PA 24, MCL 207.803.