Examples of Subsidy Control Regime in a sentence
Where applicants do not adequately demonstrate that the LUF award is compliant under the UK Subsidy Control Regime or State aid rules then the project could be considered ineligible and the application may be rejected.
The UK Subsidy Control Regime which became operational as from 1 January 2021 will have no impact on EU funded programmes/ rules.
Paragraph 5.36 of the Statutory Guidance for the UK Subsidy Control Regime also states: “The prohibition on rescue and restructuring subsidies is most likely to be directly relevant where an enterprise is at imminent risk of failure and approaches a public authority for financial assistance specifically to avert that failure.
In light of this, beneficiaries will need to complete a checklist noting consideration of the UK Subsidy Control Regime scheme/ threshold principles.
In addition, and where the activity of an approved operation regards the provision of financial assistance to recipients (as defined at Part Two, Title XI, Chapter 3, Article 3.1.1.b) of the UK-EU Trade Cooperation Agreement (TCA)),beneficiaries will be required to complete a checklist noting consideration of the UK Subsidy Control Regime principles.
Beneficiaries utilising the Temporary Framework for activity within their operations, which aim to stem/ assist in the economic impact of COVID-19 and involves providing financial support to recipients, will need to complete a checklist noting consideration of the UK Subsidy Control Regime principles.
It is vital that all applicants complete this section of the application form.Where applicants do not adequately demonstrate that the LUF award is compliant under the UK Subsidy Control Regime or State aid rules then the project could be considered ineligible and the application may be rejected.
In addition, the introduction of the UK Subsidy Control Regime will encompass a scheme/ threshold similar to de minimis aid – its threshold being calculated in an international currency known as Special Drawing Rights.
The proposed works will benefit the local public transport network, support, and enable growth in the region and improve the health and wellbeing of the population.This scheme is compliant in line with Subsidy Control Act 2022, and scheme context has been tested against the four-limbed test as set out in the Draft Statutory Guidance on the United Kingdom Subsidy Control Regime document.
UK Subsidy Control Regime Please note that as a public authority, Tewkesbury Borough Council must comply with the UK Subsidy Control Regime (Subsidy Control Act 2022).