Examples of Substantive change in a sentence
Substantive change is a significant modification or expansion of the nature and scope of an accredited institution.
Substantive change (prior approval) is required to add, close, relocate or reclassify Branch Campuses.
Substantive change is a significant modification or expansion in the nature and scope of an accredited institution.
Substantive change webinars (live and on-demand), frequently asked questions (FAQs), workshop information, upcoming SACSCOC annual meeting and summer institute session, and other news and updates are available on the substantive change webpage on the SACSCOC website.
Substantive change prospectus, application, and notification submission deadlines depend on (1) the type of SACSCOC Board of Trustees review, if required (see also the Board review pathways explained below), and (2) the intended implementation date of the substantive change.