PROGRAM LENGTH. Adjust Licensed Content length to applicable standard U.S. format lengths (e.g., 00-00-00-000 minute lengths for Linear Television Channels, and such other standards (if any), now or in the future, that are applicable to other Licensed Media for Audiovisual Content produced for initial or primary Broadcast by means of such Licensed Media), by cutting or adding recaps to starts or finishes;
PROGRAM LENGTH. This will be a pilot program for six (6) months. At the end of the six months, the program will be evaluated by the Chief of Police to determine if the program should continue and/or be modified.
PROGRAM LENGTH. The ADP will have a scheduled duration of no more than two and a half years. Students that are unable to fulfill the degree program requirements within that time span may still qualify as BMW ADP graduates although in each instance approval of the Xxxxxx College Xxxx, BMW ADP TTL and a BMW STEP Manager will be required in order to avoid unreasonable lapses of time between classes.
PROGRAM LENGTH. A Member in the PRP (the participant) will be expected to continue the full range of his/her normal pre-program duties as agreed with the Xxxx and proportionate to his/her percentage appointment over the two (2) or three (3) year period. (a) Three Year Program: The cumulative appointment over the three (3) year phased retirement period will be at least one hundred and fifty percent (150%) but not more than one hundred and seventy-five percent (175%) of a full-time appointment and will be subject to a minimum percentage appointment in any one year equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of a full-time appointment. For the purposes of this Article, Members will be considered to be either on a Normal or Teaching Intensive workload.
PROGRAM LENGTH. Unless otherwise stated, each company intends to provide a minimum of but not limited to 10 weeks of internship work. Interns should work 40 hours per week. Business needs may fluctuate, and a student’s performance sometimes proves to be less than satisfactory, so that continued employment beyond a work period may not be possible. However, except in cases of extreme unsuitability, the employer has agreed to keep the student for the full term of a given work period.
PROGRAM LENGTH. Our program is measured by the number of hours a student attends the course and the final weekly exams grading system described in our catalog. Our program is a 160-hour program from start to finish. Program start date for this student: _______________ (month/day/year) Program end date for this student: _______________ (month/day/year) Total cost of our program is $4,250.00. The cost covers everything the student needs to start and complete the program when it comes to program fee, registration costs, books, materials, supplies, plus any other charges the school requires the student to pay because of enrollment. Our school does allow payment of tuition and fees in installments. Tuition and Installment payment arrangements are described in our attached School Catalog, Volume 1, 2018 Class Schedule. Reference to XII. Tuition and Fees, pages 14 and 15. Alpina TDA does not offer any employment services currently. We do not guarantee employment for the students that attend our courses. Student referrals to prospective employers are not based on direct contact with the employer regarding current job openings.
PROGRAM LENGTH. Propose POWR program length of enrollment with justifications. The justification shall include: a. How all Participants’ needs will be met by program completion; b. Criteria to measure Participants’ success by needs (i.e. legal, mental health, physical health, substance use, etc.); and c. A process document illustrating milestones for the Participants can be submitted.
PROGRAM LENGTH. Prior to signing this enrollment agreement the student must review the “Tuition and Fee Schedule” included with this packet for detailed information of the cost of tuition for the academic program of choice.
PROGRAM LENGTH. The start date and length of each Practical Experience shall be determined by mutual agreement at least thirty (30) days before the commencement thereof.