Suisun Marsh definition
Examples of Suisun Marsh in a sentence
The McAteer-Petris Act and the Bay Plan apply to the entire Bay, while the Suisun Marsh Preservation Act and Suisun Marsh Protection Plan apply only to Suisun Marsh.
The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission’s Coastal Management Program is based on the provisions and policies of the McAteer-Petris Act, the Suisun Marsh Preservation Act of 1977, the San Francisco Bay Plan, the Suisun Marsh Protection Plan, and the Commission's administrative regulations.
There have been no changes with the Suisun Marsh Plan Implementation.
Similar habitat restoration is imminent adjacent to Suisun Marsh (i.e., at the confluence of Montezuma Slough and the Sacramento River) as part of the Montezuma Wetlands project, which is intended to provide for commercial disposal of material dredged from San Francisco Bay in conjunction with tidal wetland restoration.
CALIFORNIA.—Project for aquatic ecosystem restoration, Suisun Marsh, San Pablo Bay, California.
The Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gates (SMSCG), located on Montezuma Slough, were installed in 1988, and are operated with gates and flashboards to decrease the salinity levels of managed wetlands in Suisun Marsh.
Four Pumps projects that benefit spring-run Chinook salmon and steelhead include water exchange programs on Mill and Deer Creeks; enhanced law enforcement efforts from San Francisco Bay upstream to the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers and their tributaries; design and construction of fish screens and ladders on Butte Creek; and screening of diversions in Suisun Marsh and San Joaquin tributaries.
The State Water Board has adopted the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary (Revised December 2006), commonly referred to as the “Bay-Delta Plan.” The Bay-Delta area includes the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta, Suisun Marsh, and San Francisco Bay.
Four Pumps projects that benefit spring-run Chinook salmon and steelhead include water exchange programs on Mill and Deer creeks; enhanced law enforcement efforts from San Francisco Bay upstream to the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and their tributaries; design and construction of fish screens and ladders on Butte Creek; and screening of diversions in Suisun Marsh and San Joaquin tributaries.
Any area subject to the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission under either the McAteer-Petris Act or the Suisun Marsh Preservation Act at the time the permit is granted or thereafter shall remain subject to that jurisdiction notwithstanding the placement of any fill or the implementation of any substantial change in use authorized by this permit.