Supervisory Director definition
Examples of Supervisory Director in a sentence
The supervisory teacher shall, upon application, be awarded thirty (30) in-service points for effective supervision of one student teacher for one semester as determined by the appropriate Supervisory Director.
Conflict of Interests A direct or indirect personal interest of a Supervisory Director which conflicts with the interests of the Company and of the business connected with it.
Ru ssi a a n d Ch i n a a l r e a d y h a ve b a lli s t ic m i s- siles c a p a ble of r e a c h i n g o ur s h o r es a n d seve r a l o t h e r n a t io n s, i n cl u di n g No r t h Ko r e a a n d I r a n a r e developi n g m issiles wi t h i n c r e a s i n g r a n ges.
No Managing Director shall simultaneously serve as a Supervisory Director.
The Supervisory Director and, at the Committee’s invitation, the Internal Audit Officer or other employees whose presence may be deemed useful for the proceedings may also attend Committee meetings.The Control and Risks Committee recently adopted an internal regulation in compliance with the Corporate Governance Code best practice.