Supplemental Waste definition

Supplemental Waste means waste, other than Hazardous Waste, which requires special handling and is received at the Facility from generators and suppliers according to contracts negotiated and entered into solely between the Company or its authorized agent and said generators and suppliers and / or representatives, including, but not limited to, the following:
Supplemental Waste means Solid Waste which requires special handling as listed on Schedule 5.

Examples of Supplemental Waste in a sentence

  • The Company shall only accept Acceptable Waste and Supplemental Waste at the Facility.

  • The maximum annual waste capacity is the Facility’s permitted capacity less some limited tonnage available to the Partnership for Supplemental Waste.

  • As the Supplemental Waste Processing Service Agreement A, 2nd Supplemental Waste Processing Service Agreement A and Waste Processing Service Agreement B are entered into by the Group within a 12-month period, they are aggregated as a series of transactions pursuant to Rule 14A.81 of the Listing Rules.

  • The one-time revenue increase will increase expenditure budgets in Supplemental Waste Programs (I15230000) and the Cannon-Scollan Landfill Closure Program (Y13000200).

  • As Xx. Xxxx Xx (non-executive Director) holds position in Guangdong Rising Group, he is considered to be materially interested in and has therefore abstained from voting on the relevant Board resolutions approving the Supplemental Waste Processing Service Agreement A, 2nd Supplemental Waste Processing Service Agreement A and Waste Processing Service Agreement B and the transactions contemplated thereunder.

  • The Supplemental Waste Processing Service Agreement A, 2nd Supplemental Waste Processing Service Agreement A and Waste Processing Service Agreement B and the transactions contemplated thereunder constitute connected transactions of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.

  • Figure 1 – Integrated Hanford Waste Treatment Flowsheet – Conceptual Plans including Supplemental Waste Treatment Options 15Figure 2 – Conceptual Selective Dissolution/Fractional Crystallization Flowsheet, 16Figure 3 - Desired Operation of Tank 41 Salt Dissolution Process 27Figure 4 - Strategic Vision for Model Development to Support Selective Retrieval at the SRS 28Figure 5 – Metastable Zone (Mullin 2001) 31Figure 6 - Profiles of Predicted and Measured Volume Percent Solids.

  • However, Pennsylvania DEP itself has acknowledged that TENORM loads can be rejected for reasons that are unrelated to the DOT regulations, see Pennsylvania DEP Supplemental Waste Tracking Form, revised December 14, 2015.

  • Production Refuse Received (Tons) Refuse Processed (Tons) Refuse Bypassed (Tons) Supplemental Waste (Tons) Refuse Transferred (Tons) Ash (Tons) Ferrous (Tons) Steam (klbs) Gross Electrical Generation Net Electrical Generation 2.

  • Based on the Annual Throughput of 350,498 tons and 343 tons of Supplemental Waste, OCRRA paid an Excess Waste Fee of $836,429.

Related to Supplemental Waste

  • e-waste means electrical and electronic equipment, whole or in part discarded as waste by the consumer or bulk consumer as well as rejects from manufacturing, refurbishment and repair processes;

  • Animal waste means any waste consisting of animal matter that has not been processed into food for human consumption.

  • Special Waste means those substances as defined in the Illinois Environmental Protection Act, 415 ILCS 5/3.45, and further defined in Section 809.103 or 35 Illinois Administrative Code, Subtitle G, Ch.1.

  • Residual Waste means low-level radioactive waste resulting from processing or decontamination activities that cannot be easily separated into distinct batches attributable to specific waste generators. This waste is attributable to the processor or decontamination facility, as applicable.

  • Municipal waste means solid waste that includes garbage, refuse, and trash generated by households, motels, hotels, and recreation facilities, by public and private facilities, and by commercial, wholesale, and private and retail businesses. The term does not include special waste or industrial waste.

  • general waste means waste that does not pose an immediate hazard or threat to health or to the environment, and includes-

  • Nuclear waste means a quantity of source, byproduct or special nuclear material required to be in NRC−approved speci- fication packaging while transported to, through or across a state boundary to a disposal site, or to a collection point for transport to a disposal site.

  • Liquid waste means any waste material that is determined to contain "free liquids" as defined by Method 9095 (Paint Filter Liquids Test), as described in "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes, Physical/Chemical Methods" (EPA Pub. No. SW-846).

  • Pathological waste means waste material consisting of only human or animal remains, anatomical parts, and/or tissue, the bags/containers used to collect and transport the waste material, and animal bedding (if applicable).

  • Medical Waste means isolation wastes, infectious agents, human blood and blood products, pathological wastes, sharps, body parts, contaminated bedding, surgical wastes, potentially contaminated laboratory wastes, and dialysis wastes.

  • Commercial Waste means waste from premises used wholly or mainly for the purposes of a trade or business or for the purposes of sport, recreation, education or entertainment but does not include household, agricultural or industrial waste;

  • Holding Tank Waste means any waste from holding tanks such as vessels, chemical toilets, campers, trailers, septic tanks, and vacuum-pump tank trucks.

  • Infectious waste means a solid waste that contains or may reasonably be

  • Acceptable Waste means ordinary household, municipal, institutional, commercial and industrial Solid Waste including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Yard waste means leaves, grass clippings, yard and garden debris and brush, including clean woody vegetative material no greater than 6 inches in diameter. This term does not include stumps, roots or shrubs with intact root balls.

  • Wood waste means untreated wood and untreated wood products, including tree stumps (whole or chipped), trees, tree limbs (whole or chipped), bark, sawdust, chips, scraps, slabs, millings, and shavings.

  • Universal waste means any of the following hazardous wastes that are managed pursuant to the universal waste requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733:

  • Mixed waste means a waste that contains both RCRA hazardous waste and source, special nuclear, or byproduct material subject to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.

  • Biomedical Waste means biomedical waste as defined in the Ontario Ministry of the Environment Guideline C-4 entitled “The Management of Biomedical Waste in Ontario” dated April 1994, as amended from time to time;

  • Bulky Waste means business waste or domestic waste which by virtue of its mass, shape, size or quantity is inconvenient to remove in the routine door-to-door council service provided by the council or service provider;

  • Solid waste means all solid waste, including construction debris, hazardous waste, excess cement/ concrete, wrapping materials, timber, cans, drums, wire, nails, food and domestic waste (e.g. plastic packets and wrappers);

  • Food Waste means waste food that is household waste or, as the case may be, commercial waste, and shall have the same meaning as that applying to Regulation 7 of the Waste Management (Food Waste) Regulations 2009 (SI 508 of 2009) or, as the case may be, to Regulation 6 of the European Union (Household Food Waste and Bio-Waste) Regulations 2015 (SI 430 of 2015);

  • Industrial waste means any liquid, gaseous, radioactive, or solid waste substance resulting from any process of industry, manufacturing, trade, or business or from the development of any natural resource.

  • inert waste means waste that—

  • Residential waste means any refuse generated on the premises as a result of residential activities. The term includes landscape waste grown on the premises or deposited thereon by the elements, but excludes garbage, tires, trade wastes and any locally recyclable goods or plastics.

  • toxic waste or "toxic substance" under any provision of Environmental Law and shall also include, without limitation, petroleum, petroleum products, asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls and radioactive materials;