Supplementary Grant definition
Examples of Supplementary Grant in a sentence
In view of the Government decision to provide computers under BOLT mode, there were no approved activities justifying immediate release of Rs 24.33 crore in March 2003 through Supplementary Grant.
The largest of these relate to Transport Supplementary Grant, grants from Transport for London and grants received from the Department for Education and Skills for modernisation and improvements in schools.
Members were asked to consider the local authority’s proposal for the schools funding formula for 2022/23 and to note the estimated allocations of the Schools Supplementary Grant 2022/23 for schools for pupils aged between five and 16.
Following a vote of those schools and early years members in attendance, the majority agreed to the local authority’s proposal for the allocation of school funding in 2022/23 and noted the estimated allocations of the Schools Supplementary Grant 2022/23 for schools for pupils aged between five and 16.
As agreed at the August Parish Council meeting, it was hoped that by the end of the financial year the full combined PC and BB/Hfds Council budget would be used up to ensure the footpaths would be in as good a condition as possible, as this current year was the final year of the P3 scheme.
If the total expenditure under a Grant exceeds the provision allowed through its original Grant and Supplementary Grant, then, the excess requires regularization by obtaining the Excess Grant from the Parliament under Article 115 of the Constitution of India.
This makes drinking water supply and sanitation infrastructure an essential support for productive sectors, hence the great importance attached to DWSSH in this Project.2.1.2. The Supplementary Grant to PARCB-1 is based on the following components and sub- components: (A) Support for the development of socio-economic infrastructure to support social inclusion; (B) Support for institutional capacity building in basic social sectors; and (C) Support for programme coordination and management.
Similarly, if there was a case for a ‘New Service not contemplated in the Budget’ for which a Supplementary Grant was not obtained, the failure to obtain such a Grant should be set forth.
With an overall cost of UA 6.36 million, financing for the Supplementary Grant to PARCB-1, which is part of this initiative, will contribute to strengthening sustainable livelihoods and social cohesion for the direct benefit of a population of about 123,150 inhabitants in Bambari and its environs, including 52% of women and 61% of mostly unemployed and out-of-school youths.
These are TSF and RWSSI grants, which will be granted to the Central African Republic to co-finance the activities of the Supplementary Grant to PARCB-1.