Examples of Supportive Living in a sentence
The applicant shall comply with all requirements imposed by the Department of Health and Family Services, Division of Supportive Living, Bureau of Aging and Disability Resources concerning special requirements of federal and state law, program and fiscal requirements, and other administrative requirements.
He was quite brutal in his assessment of the NDA noting that ‘there were many manifest errors by the NDA SMEs in the evaluation of the RSS tender with the result that the RSS score is, as a result of this judgment, to be increased’ and also that in his ‘judgment the NDA sought to avoid the consequence of disqualification by "fudging" the evaluation of those Requirements to avoid reaching a situation where CFP would be given a "Fail" or "Below Threshold" score.
Contractor shall report Critical Incidents for each of the following: Nursing Facility Services; HCBS Waiver for Persons who are Elderly; HCBS Waiver for Assisted Living, Supportive Living Program; HCBS Waiver for Persons with Physical Disabilities; HCBS Waiver for Persons with HIV/AIDS; HCBS Waiver for Persons with Brain Injury; ACA Expansion Adults; Non-Disabled Children; Non-Disabled Adults; Special Needs Children; and IMD Residents.
Care Coordinators who serve Enrollees within the DoA Persons who are Elderly HCBS Waiver, DHS-DRS Persons with a Brain Injury HCBS Waiver, DHS-DRS Persons with HIV/AIDS HCBS Waiver, DHS-DRS Persons with Disabilities HCBS Waiver, or HFS Supportive Living Program HCBS Waiver must meet the applicable training requirements set forth in Appendix K.
Operating expenses for Supportive Living Facilities will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, but should correspond to underwriting guidelines utilized by the senior lender.
These are the instructions for completing the Cost Report for Supportive Living Facilities (SLF).
Reporting for Inpatient, Emergency Services, and Outpatient visits utilization shall be divided into separate worksheets for LTC, HCBS Waiver for Persons with Developmental Disabilities, HCBS Waiver for Persons with Disabilities, HCBS Wavier for Persons with Brain Injury, HCBS Waiver for Persons with HIV/AIDS, HCBS Waiver for Persons who are Elderly, HCBS Waiver for Assisted Living, Supportive Living Program, and total population as defined by Department standards.
The cost report cannot be filed by fax machine. Supportive Living Facilities which have an approved Dementia Care Unit as part of their conventional facility must file two cost reports.
For Supportive Living Facilities and any Project with operating expenses that fall outside the referenced range, a written explanation with supporting documentation must be provided with the Application.
Care Coordinators who serve High-Needs Children, Enrollees within the IDoA Persons Who are Elderly HCBS Waiver, DHS-DRS Persons with a Brain Injury HCBS Waiver, DHS-DRS Persons with HIV/AIDS HCBS Waiver, DHS-DRS Persons with Disabilities HCBS Waiver, or HFS Supportive Living Program HCBS Waiver must meet the applicable training requirements set forth in Attachment XVI.