Laundry Service. If the Government provides a laundry service at the incident base camp, the Contractor may utilize the service at no cost.
Laundry Service. The Concessionaire will provide Laundry Services to the guests at the Campground Area, including both bathhouses and the Camp Store facility according to the following:
1) The Concessionaire will place at minimum one full service commercial washer and one dryer at each Campground Bathhouse, and two full service commercial washers and two dryers at the Camp Store Facility,
2) The Concessionaire will ensure that the machines are operational and that all repairs are made within 48 hours, and
3) The Concessionaire will be responsible for maintenance and repair of the machines at its expense.
Laundry Service. All on campus residence halls are equipped with washers and dryers for use free ofcharge. The College is not responsible for damage or theft of clothing and use of laundry equipment isat the resident’s own risk.
Laundry Service. The Company shall maintain laundry service. All employees shall be supplied with clean laundry when required by the Company. Smocks or coveralls in good repair shall be supplied as required. Steel mesh gloves shall be supplied to employees as required by the Company.
Laundry Service. Each year the District shall provide laundry service for District-furnished Transportation and Maintenance Department uniforms.
Laundry Service. Laundry machines are provided for students and accept payment only in the form of Cat’s Cache. The University shall not be liable for any damage to or loss of personal property resulting from the use of the laundry machines, nor shall the University be liable for personal items left unattended in the laundry rooms.
Laundry Service. The Employer shall provide suitable on-site laundry facilities and detergents, at no cost to employees, to enable employees to launder their uniform clothing issue.
Laundry Service. Laundry services for hospital gowns or pajamas and other launderable personal clothing items used by Member.
Laundry Service. Where a Resident is admitted as a Private Resident and is subsequently admitted to the Support Scheme, the Proprietor will refund any monies which have been paid privately by the Resident which are subsequently refunded by the HSE.
Laundry Service. Each tour participant is responsible for his or her own laundry service. Try to bring enough clothes for 8-9 days minimum. While laundry facilities are available at several of the Motels & at Laundromats along the way, laundry service is not available every evening. Each participant should bring two (2) roll of quarters & your soap powder. The Recommended Hotel/Motel – Lunch/Dinner Listing specifies where coin laundries are available.