Surrogate parent definition
Examples of Surrogate parent in a sentence
Surrogate parent" means an individual who has been determined necessary and appropriate to represent the rights of an infant or toddler with a disability, who has been assigned by the department, and functions in place of a parent with respect to the child's participation in early intervention.
School Board policies: 22.1-279 Corporal punishment prohibited: and 22.1-279.8 School safety audits and school crisis, emergency management, and medical emergency response plans required; removes “Code of Virginia); and adds 8 VAC 20-80-220 Surrogate parent procedures.
Yes No Surrogate parent training may be conducted or provided through:• Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS);• a school district;• an education service center; or• any other entity that receives federal funds to provide IDEA training to parents.
In this regard the Austrian tax authorities have published a specific notification form on their website, which requires the declaration of the following information: • Indication whether the Austrian business units are the ultimate pa- rent entity (item 1),• Surrogate parent entity (item 2) or,• If neither 1 or 2 applies, indication of the business unit of the MNE group responsible for CbC repor- ting.
Circuit Judge Copies to: County Public Schools c/o Director, Exceptional Student Education, Surrogate parent named above(Check all that apply).....