Surrogate parent definition

Surrogate parent means a person appointed to act in place of parents or guardians when a student's parents or guardians are not known, or when after reasonable efforts, the board of education cannot discover the whereabouts of a parent, the student is an unaccompanied homeless youth or the student is a ward of the State and does not have a parent who meets the definition in subdivision (ii) of this section, or the rights of the parent to make educational decisions have been subrogated by a judge in accordance with State law.
Surrogate parent means an individual appointed under OAR 581-015-2320 for school age children or 581-015-2760 for preschool children who acts in place of a biological or adoptive parent in safeguarding a child's rights in the special education decision-making process.
Surrogate parent means a person appointed in accordance with procedures set forth in this chapter to ensure that children are afforded the protection of procedural safeguards and the provision of a free appropriate public education. (34 CFR 300.519)

Examples of Surrogate parent in a sentence

  • Surrogate parent" means an individual who has been determined necessary and appropriate to represent the rights of an infant or toddler with a disability, who has been assigned by the department, and functions in place of a parent with respect to the child's participation in early intervention.

  • School Board policies: 22.1-279 Corporal punishment prohibited: and 22.1-279.8 School safety audits and school crisis, emergency management, and medical emergency response plans required; removes “Code of Virginia); and adds 8 VAC 20-80-220 Surrogate parent procedures.

  • Yes No Surrogate parent training may be conducted or provided through:• Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS);• a school district;• an education service center; or• any other entity that receives federal funds to provide IDEA training to parents.

  • In this regard the Austrian tax authorities have published a specific notification form on their website, which requires the declaration of the following information: • Indication whether the Austrian business units are the ultimate pa- rent entity (item 1),• Surrogate parent entity (item 2) or,• If neither 1 or 2 applies, indication of the business unit of the MNE group responsible for CbC repor- ting.

  • Circuit Judge Copies to: County Public Schools c/o Director, Exceptional Student Education, Surrogate parent named above(Check all that apply).....

More Definitions of Surrogate parent

Surrogate parent means a person who has been appointed by the
Surrogate parent means an individual appointed by the school district or approved cooperative to act in place of a parent in safeguarding a child's rights in the special education decision making process.
Surrogate parent means a person appointed to act in place of parents or guardians when a student’s parents or guardians are not known, or when after reasonable efforts, the Board of Education cannot discover the whereabouts of a parent, the student is an unaccompanied homeless youth, the student is a ward of the State, or the rights of the parent to make educational decisions have been subrogated by a judge in accordance with State law. The Board of Education shall select a surrogate parent from a list of individuals who are eligible and willing to serve as surrogate parents. The list is approved at the annual organization meeting of the Board.
Surrogate parent means “surrogate parent” as defined in RSA 186-C:14,II(a), namely, “a person appointed to act as a child’s advocate in place of the child’s natural parents or guardian in the educational decision-making process” who is appointed pursuant to Ed 1115.05.
Surrogate parent means an individual appointed by the LEA to make educational decisions regarding a FAPE of a child with a disability.
Surrogate parent means a person who has been appointed in accordance with s. HFS 90.13 to act as a child’s par- ent in all matters relating to s. 51.44, Stats., and this chapter.
Surrogate parent means a person appointed to act in place of parents or guardians when a student’s parents or guardians are not known, or when after reasonable efforts, the board of education cannot discover the whereabouts of a parent or, the student is a ward of the State. The Board of Education shall select a surrogate parent from a list of individuals who are eligible and willing to serve as surrogate parents. The list is approved at the annual reorganization meeting of the Board.