SURROGATE PARENTS. CONTRACTOR shall comply with LEA procedures for obtaining surrogate parents from the LEA.
SURROGATE PARENTS. CONTRACTOR shall comply with state and federal laws and regulations regarding assigning surrogate parents to LEA students.
SURROGATE PARENTS. CONTRACTOR shall notify XXX immediately after the CONTRACTOR becomes aware of the need for the appointment of a surrogate parent. A surrogate parent is necessary when the parent is absent, the court has limited the parents’ rights to make educational decisions for their child, and/or the child is a dependent or xxxx of the court and the court has so limited the parents’ rights. XXXXXXXXXX agrees that the LEA and authorized representatives will select, appoint and train said surrogate. A surrogate parent must have no interests that conflict with the interests of the child, have knowledge and skills that ensure adequate representation of the child, and may not be an employee of a public or private agency involved in the education and/or care of the child. The surrogate parent shall be required to sign an affidavit stating that no such conflict of interest exists and this affidavit will be kept on file by the LEA.
SURROGATE PARENTS. The Department of Health and Human Resources/WV Birth to Three and the Department of Education/Office of Special Programs agree to promote collaboration by their respective local programs in the assignment and training of surrogate parents for children under three years of age.
SURROGATE PARENTS. Early Steps will ensure the rights of eligible children are protected if no parent can be identified, the parent(s) whereabouts cannot be discovered after reasonable efforts, or your child is a xxxx of the state. This is done by assigning a surrogate parent. If a surrogate parent is assigned, they may represent your child during the evaluation and assessment, development and implementation of the Individualized Family Support Plan (IFSP), ongoing service delivery for your child, and other rights in Early Steps. Early Steps has procedures in place to determine whether a child needs a surrogate parent, and the assignment and selection of a surrogate parent. All the rights in this document apply to surrogate parents. If a child is a xxxx of the state, a surrogate parent may be appointed by the judge overseeing the infant or toddler’s case provided that the surrogate parent meets federal and state requirements.
SURROGATE PARENTS. A surrogate parent will be appointed by the appropriate LEA when no parent can be identified; or after reasonable effort, the whereabouts of a parent cannot be discovered; or the student is a dependent or xxxx of the court and the court has specifically limited the right of the parent or guardian to make educational decisions for the Student/Individual.
SURROGATE PARENTS. The San Mateo County SELPA will continue to implement a Surrogate Parent program in accordance with the California Education Code. Staff development will include requirements contained in 17 CCR Section 52175. The IFSP service coordinator will arrange for a Surrogate Parent if needed.
SURROGATE PARENTS. CONTRACTOR shall comply with Shasta SELPA/District of Residence surrogate parent assignments.
SURROGATE PARENTS. CONTRACTOR shall comply with XXX surrogate parent assignments. A student in xxxxxx care shall be defined pursuant to California Education Code section 42238.01(b). The LEA shall annually notify the CONTRACTOR who the LEA has designated as the educational liaison for xxxxxx children. When a student in xxxxxx care is enrolled in a nonpublic school by the LEA any time after the completion of the student’s second year of high school, the CONTRACTOR shall schedule the student in courses leading towards graduation based on the diploma requirements of the LEA unless provided notice otherwise in writing pursuant to Section 51225.