Examples of System Marginal Price in a sentence
In this pool electricity is bought and sold through a market clearing mechanism, whereby generators bid in their Short Run Marginal Cost (SRMC) and receive the System Marginal Price (SMP) for each trading period for their scheduled market quantities, as well as other revenue streams.
Generators receive the System Marginal Price (SMP) for their scheduled dispatch quantities, capacity payments for their actual availability, and constraint payments for changes in the market schedule due to system constraints.
We will seek informed consent for inclusion in the trial ahead of the prostate biopsy procedure, with the potential participants allowed as much time as desired to consider the information, and having had the opportunity to ask questions from the clinical trial team and/or research nurse, and contact their GP or other independent parties to decide whether they wish to participate in the trial.
It is straightforward to obtain data for Pool prices, and we concentrate on monthly averages of the System Marginal Price and the Pool Selling Price (including Transmission Uplift from its introduction in April 1997, since this represents costs previously included in Uplift).
The System Marginal Price (SMP) in a period was determined by the “Genset Price” of the highest priced unit scheduled to produce when transmission constraints were ignored.
The Electricity Utility Company pays the Solar Power Producer the electricity exported to the electricity supply system based on the actual System Marginal Price in accordance with the NEDA Rules.
This means that the final market price is available only four days after the physical delivery.The MSP algorithm resolves the market price (the System Marginal Price, SMP) for each trading period and quantifies how much each generator needs to generate so that the total demand is met at the lowest possible production cost.
This was centrally dispatched with a System Marginal Price (SMP) set by the marginal price offered by the most expensive unconstrained generator required, to which was added a capacity payment, equal to LoLP*(VoLL – SMP), where LoLP is the Loss of Load Probability in that half-hour and VoLL is the Value of Lost Load (£5,000/MWh in 2016£).
Lower fuel prices led to lower uplift payments in 2016 and reduced the uplift contribution to the all-in price to 20 cents per MWh. Ancillary services costs remained modest at 9 cents per MWh. To estimate the price effects of factors other than the change in fuel prices, we calculate a fuel price-adjusted System Marginal Price (SMP) that is based on the marginal fuel in each five- minute interval.
Accordingly, the Supplier is assumed to have delivered no (i.e. zero) gas to the system to balance the demand of the consumers it supplies.As a consequence, the relevant Supplier is required to pay a ‘cash out’ charge at the System Marginal Price (buy) (i.e. at a rate higher than the System Average Price) in respect of the volume of demand of the consumers it supplies.