System Safety definition
Examples of System Safety in a sentence
Seller must separate from Company System whenever requested to do so by the Company System Operator pursuant to Article 8 (Company Dispatch) and Article 9 (Personnel and System Safety) of the Agreement.
Company may take appropriate action to limit the Actual Output pursuant to, but not limited to, Article 8 (Company Dispatch), Article 9 (Personnel and System Safety), Article 25 (Good Engineering and Operating Practices), and Attachment B (Facility Owned by Seller).
Documentation:● Detailed technical manuals, handbooks, drawings, Warranty card and Factory Quality Assurance checklist, test results and any other certifications mentioned in the Technical specifications shall be supplied along with the consignment.● Supplied manuals / handbooks must cover detailed technical specifications and installation, operation, maintenance and System Safety procedures.● For Experimental setups details of theory, procedure and methods of taking measurements etc.
System Safety and Procedures must initiate the required actions for additions and/or deletions to the national data base.
Supplied manuals/handbooks must cover detailed technical specifications and installation, operation, maintenance and System Safety procedures.
The Flight Surgeon in coordination with the Service Area Director will make a determination on which management officials may base administrative action.b. The Service Area Director must document all special consideration determinations and forward copies to System Operations and Safety, System Safety and Procedures.
The Operator will Deliver Gas to the Shipper at each Outlet Point at which odorising occurred as at 27 October 2004 odorised to the specification set out in the Gas Standards (Gas Supply and System Safety) Regulations 2000 (WA).
In accordance with Section 341.061, F.S., the Agency shall submit a certification attesting to the adoption of a System Safety Program Plan pursuant to Rule 14-15.017 and the “Safety and Security Oversight Program Standards Manual”, DOT Topic Number 725-030-014.
Fixed Guideway Transportation System (established) – In accordance with Section 341.061, F.S., the Agency shall submit, and the Department shall have on file, annual certification by the Agency of compliance with its System Safety and Security Program Plan, pursuant to Rule 14-15.017 and the “Safety and Security Oversight Program Standards Manual”, DOT Topic Number 725-030-014.
FACILITY STATUS REPORTFacility air traffic managers must notify System Operations and Safety by message, attention Manager of System Safety and Procedures, with an information copy to the appropriate Service Area office, of changes in the operational status of communication facilities not covered byFAAO 7900.2, Reporting of Electronic Navigation Aids and Communication Facilities Data to the NFDC.