Table 13 definition
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Revenues of Select Leading Prostate Cancer Drugs: 2006-2010 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) Breast CancerSelect FDA Approved Breast Cancer Drugs Table 13.
For the purposes of clause S5.2.5.13(b) of schedule 5.2 of the Rules, a Generator listed in Table 13 is not required to provide power system stabilising action in relation to the generating unit listed in column 2 of Table 13.
The village wise water level data has been tabulated in Table 13.
Issuers of legacy CMBS that collateralize outstanding TALF loans 15 Lending in Support of Specific Institutions 17 Table 13.
As background, Table 13 provides details of the distribution of incorporated and unincorporated self-employment and wage and salary employment by gender, race and whether foreign born for the US in 2005.19 There were approximately twice as many unincorporated self- employed than incorporated – 10 and a half million and 5 and a quarter million respectively.