Table 13 definition

Table 13. Analysis 2e: metric selection results. Metric - stressor correlation was consistent (yes) if the sign of the correlation was as expected. Xxxxxxxx rank correlation between the EQR, calculated using the formula EQR2, and the stressor is reported. A metric was redundant (redundancy=yes) if correlated (r>0.
Table 13 means the table entitled “Aircraft Information Table 767-316ER Aircraft – 2010 $”as revised.
Table 13. Monetary valuation of Biome changes in EU from climate change (Low range values, €m, 2010). Source: Xxxxxxx et al. (2010) A1b 2011-2040 2041-2070 2071-2100 Total 591 547 1,555 E1 2011-2040 2041-2070 2071-2100 Total 1,405 1,856 1,214

Examples of Table 13 in a sentence

  • Revenues of Select Leading Prostate Cancer Drugs: 2006-2010 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) Breast CancerSelect FDA Approved Breast Cancer Drugs Table 13.

  • For the purposes of clause S5.2.5.13(b) of schedule 5.2 of the Rules, a Generator listed in Table 13 is not required to provide power system stabilising action in relation to the generating unit listed in column 2 of Table 13.

  • The village wise water level data has been tabulated in Table 13.

  • Issuers of legacy CMBS that collateralize outstanding TALF loans 15 Lending in Support of Specific Institutions 17 Table 13.

  • As background, Table 13 provides details of the distribution of incorporated and unincorporated self-employment and wage and salary employment by gender, race and whether foreign born for the US in 2005.19 There were approximately twice as many unincorporated self- employed than incorporated – 10 and a half million and 5 and a quarter million respectively.

More Definitions of Table 13

Table 13. The means for the interactivity of the teaching style M1 SD1 M2 SD2 Time of the measurement 4.19 .71 4.24 .55 Form of teaching safe driving course 3.96 .83 4.14 .45 theory lesson 4.32 .63 4.36 .63 Educational background working 4.17 .77 4.28 .54 studying 4.17 .68 4.13 .59 Age ≤ 20 4.17 .71 4.21 .54 > 20 4.12 .76 4.42 .48 Gender Male 4.17 .76 4.26 .52 Female 4.20 .67 4.23 .60 1= first measurement 2= second measurement Table 14. Analysis of variance for Interactivity of the Source df F η p Educational background (E) 1 .07 .00 .79 Age (A) 1 .01 .00 .92 Gender (G) 1 .04 .00 .84 F x G 1 .32 .00 .57 M x G 1 .01 .00 .94 A x G 1 .29 .00 .59 E x G 1 1.86 .01 .17 M x F 1 .73 .00 .40 F x A 1 .29 .00 .59 F x E 1 .85 .00 .36 M x A 1 1.43 .01 .23 M x E 1 .31 .00 .58 E x A 1 .51 .00 .47 Error 173 p p The time of the measurement had a main effect on the experiences of the interactivity of the teaching style (F1,173=5.86, p<.05, η 2=.03). Thus, after the driving school education following the rules of coaching the subjects experienced the teaching style was more interactive than after the normal driving school education. Also the form of teaching had a main effect on the interactivity of the teaching style (F1,173=7.12, p<.05, η 2=.04). Thus, the general evaluations concerning the interactivity of the teaching style were different after the theory lesson compared to the safe driving course. The subjects evaluated the teaching after the theory lesson more interactive (mean= 4.36) than after the safe driving course (mean= 3.99).
Table 13. Scale Report Breakdown of Slut by Relationship Though the short answers varied, the participants either recorded that they feel bitch is an insult and a negative word, or bitch is incredibly context dependent and could be positive or negative. However, according to the responses, the only way in which it could be considered positive is when it is used among friends. The short answer responses reflected similar patterns as the quantitative data while also offering more insight into the reported survey figures. In response to the question that inquired whether bitch was positive, negative, or both, the highest reported response was both, additionally reported as depending entirely on context, that is who is present and the environment. Of the 70 responses, 31 said both depending on context, followed by negative with
Table 13. Means for the Simple Effects Analysis of Variance for Variability Effects for the Rater Source x Dimension Interaction. Dimension NursesMeans Nursing Assistants Quality 0.69 0.42Safety Measures0.41 0.60Initiative0.59 0.81Cooperation and Attitude0.61 0.39Caring and Friendliness0.57 0.76 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Table 13. Rise in Malaysia's Exports to Vietnam post TPPA: Sectoral Analysis Product Code with Description Change in Malaysia's Exports to Vietnam post TPPA Share in Total Change in Exports of Malaysia to
Table 13. Required Monthly Visits Conducted Face to Face vs. Virtually July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 Month TOTAL Due Face to Face Completed Video Completed TOTAL % Total 90082 73191 81.2% 14019 15.6% 96.8% Metric 3.2 89.9% 95.0% 95.0%94.3%90.0% 82.5% 51.2%
Table 13. Monetary valuation of Biome changes in EU from climate change (Low range values, €m, 2010). Source: Xxxxxxx et al. (2010)‌ desert/tundra -368 -1,256 -1,321 mixed forest 838 1,160 1,617 boreal forest -214 -174 179 temperate forest 111 369 509 Scrubland -267 -471 -824 Grassland‌ 492‌ 920‌ 1,396‌ desert/tundra 173 -108 108 mixed forest 541 774 472 boreal forest -98 140 307 temperate forest 307 435 49 Scrubland -310 -526 -325 Grassland 793 1,142 603 Additionally, a study by Xxxxxxxxxx et al. (2013) estimated the economic impact of projected climate change for a wide range of temperature increases (between 1.4 and 5.8°C until 2100), using a high-resolution model that predicted presence or absence for 32 tree species under different climate projections (A1B, B2 and A1F1) in Europe. They found that the expected value of European forestland will decrease owing to the decline of economically valuable species in the absence of effective counter-measures. Depending on the interest rate and climate scenario applied, this loss varies between 14 and 50% (mean: 28% for an interest rate of 2%) of the present value of forestland in Europe, excluding Russia, and may total several hundred billion Euros. Using a contrasting, macro-economic modelling approach, Xxxxxxxx & Xxxxx (2014) examined the climate-change-induced impacts on biodiversity in the agricultural sector in terms of changes in agricultural land productivity. Using a CGE model, the authors found that monetary changes varied significantly across the different European countries. In the case of Mediterranean Europe, initial negative impacts were eventually turned into gains as a result of the improvement in terms of trade outweighing the initial negative effects. In addition, the estimation results showed that, while developed Western regions in Europe lose slightly, or even gain as in the case of Central and Northern Europe, developing regions in Southern Europe may lose considerably more. National studies include Xxxxx & Xxxx (2006) in the UK which relied on a replacement cost approach to value changes in habitat coverage. A combination of literature review and SPECIES model outputs was used to identify species and habitats of national and regional significance, sensitive to climate change, including some which have a direct economic value. The SPECIES model simulated changes in suitable climate space at the national scale. It was run using A1F1 and B2 high and low emission scenarios. The study used the restorati...
Table 13. Otoliths of spawning adults from the Mediterranean Sea (Med) and Gulf of Mexico (Gom) used as reference samples to assess the classification accuracy of the YOY otolith portion.