Examples of Target site in a sentence
Approval of the re-plat of the Greenacres Target, located at 5900 Lake Worth Road at the northwest and northeast corners of the existing Target site; pursuant to Staff Memo - Kara Irwin-Ferris, Planning and Engineering Director.
Customer agrees that the increased fee may be charged to Customer as of the date that the Target site is activated and launched on Company's software.
E-mail : brigitte.meunier@i2bc.paris-saclay.fr a current address: Laboratory of food microbiology, KULeuven, Belgium Running title: Target site QiI resistance mutations Keywords: QiI, bc1 complex, yeast model, resistance, target site mutation, fungicides Abstract BACKGROUND: Complex III inhibitors targeting the Qi-site have been known for decades; some are used or are being developed as anti-microbial compounds.
Target site resistance mutations have been reported in laboratory-selected mutants and in field isolates.
Target site subspecies are identified as Choctawhatchee beach mouse (CHOCTBM), St. Andrews Beach Mouse (STANDBM), and Perdido Key beach mouse (PDKBM).