technical training means technical training as defined in the
technical training means the training provided to a Candidate to develop technical skills under supervision.
technical training means the technical training provided by the Seller/System Integrator to the End-user in accordance with the stipulations in Appendix 5 attached hereto.
More Definitions of technical training
technical training means the formal instruction and technical courses, or any combination of them, that are part of an apprenticeship program;
technical training is defined in RPF attached in Annex “A”.
technical training is defined in RPF attached in Annex “A”. “TIME OF COMPLETION” means the time schedule prescribed in RFP;
technical training means the technical training, guidance and supervision in respect of assembling, installation, test running, commissioning, performance testing, operation, repair and maintenance of the Agreement Equipment.
technical training means the formal courses at a post-secondary institution that are part of an apprenticeship program;
technical training means technical training as defined in the Apprenticeship Program Regulation (AR258/2000);
technical training means the technical training described in Appendix 1.