the Panel definition

the Panel means a committee appointed by the authority under section 102(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 for the purposes of advising the authority on matters relating to the dismissal of relevant officers of the authority;
the Panel means the Hampshire Pension Fund Panel and Board
the Panel means a committee appointed by the Council under section 102(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 for the purposes of advising the Council on matters relating to the dismissal of relevant officers of the Council;

Examples of the Panel in a sentence

  • On 15 December 2023, the Panel granted six requests in their entirety, limited the scope of five requests, and denied three requests pursuant to Article 20.2 of the RoP.

  • While Mexico correctly notes that that question was addressed by the Panel in MEX-277, Panel Reports, EC-Biotech, ¶¶ 7.3030 and 7.3034 (see MEX Responses to Panel Questions, ¶ 54), that temporal issue does not arise in this case.

  • In Mexico, the Biosafety Law of Genetically Modified Organisms introduced in 2005 (the “2005 Biosafety Law”) and the Regulations to the Genetically Modified Organisms Biosafety Law introduced in 2008 (the “2008 Biosafety Regulations”), regulate the importation and trade of GM products.15 14 The Panel notes that when they exist, the Panel relies on the English translations of exhibits provided by the Parties or the Mexican Section of the Secretariat.

  • Second, the Panel is equally unable to accept Mexico’s alternative argument that, even if the Articles 7/8 Measure is an SPS measure, it is a “provisional measure” within the meaning of Articles 9.6.4(c) and 9.6.5 of the USMCA.

  • As a threshold matter, the Panel notes Mexico’s position that the 2023 Decree refers to a number of different objectives underlying the various measures it adopts, and that some of these objectives involve SPS concerns (i.e., protecting human and plant life and health), while others do not (e.g., biocultural wealth and peasant communities).

More Definitions of the Panel

the Panel means a committee appointed by the council for the purposes of advising the council on matters relating to the dismissal of the head of paid service, the monitoring officer or the chief financial officer;
the Panel means a Committee appointed by the Court of Common Council under section 102(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 for the purposes of advising the Court of Common Council on matters relating to the dismissal of Relevant Officers of the City of London Corporation.;
the Panel means Taxi and private hire panel.
the Panel means the Pension Fund Investment and Administration Panel who has delegated decision making powers for the Fund in accordance with Section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972
the Panel means the Public Art Panel referred to in this Policy.
the Panel means the Hampshire Police and Crime Panel “the Panel Competencies”