Third Instalment definition
Examples of Third Instalment in a sentence
In the event that the ND Target Group can fulfil the revenue of HK$51,000,000 and the net profit of HK$23,000,000 in a financial year subsequent to the acquisition date and before the end of the Third Period, any amount of the Third Instalment, the Fourth Instalment and the Fifth Instalment which has been reduced by adjustment will become payable by the Company to the vendors in proportion to their shareholding in Empire Access.
As set forth in paragraph 16 of the “Report and Recommendations Made by the Panel of Commissioners concerning the Third Instalment of ‘E3’ Claims (S/AC.26/1999/1) (the “Third Report”), the Panel determined that “Iraq” as used in decision 9 (S/AC.26/1992/9) means the Government of Iraq, its political subdivisions, or any agency, ministry, instrumentality or entity (notably public sector enterprises) controlled by the Government of Iraq.
These instalments are termed as:First Instalment : Application Money Second Instalment : Allotment Money Third Instalment : First Call Money Fourth Instalment : Second Call Money Last Instalment : Final Call Money NotesNotes Procedure for Receipt of Application Money The names of bankers to the issue are given in the application form.
Agreement 14 PART 6: PAYMENT OF COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION FUNDS 14 First Instalment - 50% 14 Second Instalment - 40% 15 Third Instalment - 10% 15 PART 7: REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 15 a.
The Borrower shall procure that each Bank Guarantee is returned to the Lender duly cancelled forthwith upon the payment by the Borrower of the Second Instalment and the Third Instalment relating thereto or, if earlier, upon termination howsoever of the Building Contract.