Time of Use Tariff definition

Time of Use Tariff means a smart meter tariff that charges you different rates depending on when you use electricity. All of our Time of Use Tariffs are on our Website;
Time of Use Tariff means a tariff structure in which some or all of the tariff varies according to the time at which electricity is supplied.
Time of Use Tariff means tariffs with at least three unit rates that apply to specified time periods such as a period of time within a day, day of the week, month of the year. Full details in the Product Terms Sheet.

Examples of Time of Use Tariff in a sentence

  • We may also need to take more frequent meter readings if you are on a Time of Use Tariff.

  • This debt is defined as that amount resulting from the difference between the applicable Large Power User Tariff and the applicable Large User Time of Use Tariff for this period, provided that such customer is not in arrears as at 1 July 2018.

  • If We Supply You with Energy under a Time of Use Tariff, then the Unit Rate may be different at different times of day.

  • Both the Large User HV Time of Use Tariff, and the Large User MV Time of Use Tariff (as well as all related tariffs) are now proposed to feature a split demand charge.

  • Time of Use Tariff 69 kV and over 22 – 33 kV Below 22 kV 1* On Peak: Monday – Friday from 09.00 am to 10.00 pm; and2* Off Peak Monday – Friday from 10.00 pm to 09.00 am Saturday – Sunday and normal public holiday (excluding substitution holiday).

  • The Large Power User Tariffs (non-Time of Use), as well as the Medium Voltage Time of Use Tariff this year only receive the average increase of 4.83%, and no longer get a higher than average increase.

  • The energy consumption and demand charges for these Pricing Options are calculated under the time of day definitions outlined in section 6.2. Residential Time of Use Tariff (Interval data) - N705 The Residential Time of Use (Res TOU (Interval data)) tariff consists of the following pricing components: · Network Access Charge ($/day); and· Peak, Shoulder and Off Peak energy consumption charges (c/kWh).

  • If you decide that you no longer wish to provide half hourly data to Energia, you will no longer be eligible to avail of the Time of Use Tariff.

  • It has been further submitted that the number of connections with load upto 20 KW in the Nigam is very large and it is not be possible for the Nigam to reconfigure all these meters to compute time of day consumption as per requirement of Time of Use Tariff.

  • The Wheeling Customer Tariff mirrors the Large User Medium Voltage Time of Use Tariff, and therefore increases by the average 4.83% across all components.

More Definitions of Time of Use Tariff

Time of Use Tariff means a tariff structure in which some or all of the tariff varies according to the time at which electricity is supplied. {Note: Typically a time of use tariff will comprise a fixed (standing) component, and then a variable usage component which varies with the time of day, week or season; for example the time bands might comprise “peak”, “off-peak” and “shoulder”.
Time of Use Tariff means a Smart Meter tariff that charges you different rates depending on the time, day or season in which you use electricity. All of our Time of Use Tariffs are on our Website;
Time of Use Tariff means a Tariff related to the time of use of the electricity. “we” and “us” and “our” in each case means Dual Energy or our appointed agents.
Time of Use Tariff means a tariff with energy rates that change during time-of-use periods and seasons.
Time of Use Tariff means an LPU TOU tariff with energy charges that change during different time of use periods and seasons

Related to Time of Use Tariff

  • air transport service means a service for the transport by air of persons, mails or any other thing, animate or inanimate, for any kind of remuneration whatsoever, whether such service consists of a single flight or series of flights;

  • Multiple Exchange Carrier Access Billing or “MECAB” means the document prepared by the Billing Committee of the OBF, which functions under the auspices of the Carrier Liaison Committee (CLC) of the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS). The MECAB document, published by ATIS as ATIS/OBF-MECAB- Issue 6, February 1998, contains the recommended guidelines for the billing of access services provided to an IXC by two (2) or more LECs, or by one LEC in two (2) or more states within a single LATA.

  • Tariff means a filing made at the state or federal level for the provision of a telecommunications service by a telecommunications carrier that provides for the terms, conditions and pricing of that service. Such filing may be required or voluntary and may or may not be specifically approved by the Commission or FCC.

  • Service Standards means the set of Service Measures, Service Levels, conditions and Service Guarantee Payments as set out in Schedule 1;