Timescale definition
Examples of Timescale in a sentence
Each PIP will be tailored to the particular situation, but will contain the following elements: Timescale: the overall timescale in which the necessary improvement must be achieved will be set out, together with the timescale for reaching individual milestones where appropriate.
Timescale for ComplianceAll Notices must be complied with by the date on the Notice.
The trader has to make the content available to the consumer in digital form only and could not be re- quired to supply the content in physical form, such as print-outs of photographs or word-processed documents.c) Timescale for complying with the request.
Thus, the enti- tlement to retrieve does not oblige the trader to transfer the relevant content to the con- sumer, but merely that the consumer has to be put in a position where the consumer can do what is required to obtain the relevant content.66 a) Timescale for retrieving content.
Please note that requests for clarification will not be accepted after date mentioned in the Timescale.