Timescale definition

Timescale means either Long Term, Daily or Intraday period of time;
Timescale means either Long Term, Day Ahead or Intraday periods of time;“Transmission Rights”means Physical Transmission Rights;“Transmission System Operator”means each of NGESO in its capacity as operator of the NGESO Transmission System and TenneT TSO B.V. in its capacity as operator of the TenneT Transmission System;“Transmission Rights Transfer”means the mechanism by which a Participant passes over Units to another Participant and “Transfer Transmission Rights”, “Transferred”, “Transferee” shall have corresponding meanings;“Unit”means a Physical Transmission Right of one MW, entitling the Participant (subject to Curtailment and these Rules) to Nominate in a particular direction and during the Product Period of the Unit and subject to and on the terms and conditions of these Rules;“Unit Price”means, for a Unit, the Auction Price (in euros per megawatt hour) resulting from the Auction at which the Unit was allocated to the Participant;“Unit Quantity”means, in megawatt-hours, the product of (a) the number of Units allocated to the Participant at a specific Auction (in megawatts) and (b) the aggregate hours of the Unit Validity Times within the Product Period of such Units;“Unit Validity Times”means:(i) in the case of Long Term Units, the specific hours within the Product Period for which the Units have been offered in the applicable Auction;(ii) in the case of Day Ahead Units, the individual hours (in the case of Day Ahead Auction – Hourly product) or the relevant groups of hours (in the case of a Day Ahead Auction – Grouped Hours product) for which the Units have been offered in the applicable Auction;(iii) in the case of Intraday Units, the individual hours for which the Units have been offered in the applicable Auction;“Unused Units”Means not Nominated Transmission Rights;“Use It or Lose It” (UIOLI)has the meaning given to it in Rule E5;“Use It or Sell It” (UIOSI)means the principle according to which the Participant’s non- Nominated Long Term Physical Transmission Rights are automatically made available for explicit Day-Ahead Capacity Allocation and according to which the Participant receivesremuneration from BritNed;
Timescale means either Long Term, Day Ahead or Intraday periods of

Examples of Timescale in a sentence

  • Each PIP will be tailored to the particular situation, but will contain the following elements: Timescale: the overall timescale in which the necessary improvement must be achieved will be set out, together with the timescale for reaching individual milestones where appropriate.

  • Timescale for ComplianceAll Notices must be complied with by the date on the Notice.

  • The trader has to make the content available to the consumer in digital form only and could not be re- quired to supply the content in physical form, such as print-outs of photographs or word-processed documents.c) Timescale for complying with the request.

  • Thus, the enti- tlement to retrieve does not oblige the trader to transfer the relevant content to the con- sumer, but merely that the consumer has to be put in a position where the consumer can do what is required to obtain the relevant content.66 a) Timescale for retrieving content.

  • Please note that requests for clarification will not be accepted after date mentioned in the Timescale.

More Definitions of Timescale

Timescale means the timescale for the provision of the Services as set out or referred to in the IBioIC Invoice.
Timescale a fundamental step is the evaluation of whether an attack can potentially occur in the near, medium or long term. • This set of criteria, based on various publicly available or classified data, helps better understand how the definition of terrorist threat levels work. Against this backdrop, different scales of terrorism threat elaborated by four different European countries will be considered. United Kingdom As explained above, United Kingdom had designed a terrorist threat scale to give a broad indication of the likelihood of a terrorist attack. This scale is divided into five levels (Terrorist Levels, MI5):
Timescale means the relevant timescale detailed in the Battery Regulations;
Timescale means either Long Term, Day Ahead or Intraday period of time;
Timescale means the relevant timescale detailed in the WEEE Regulations;
Timescale means 6 months from the Complaint being received by the Member and/or the Mediation Service.
Timescale means the relevant timescale detailed in the CRC Order;