Examples of Toll highway in a sentence
Toll highway business comprises projects such as Outer Ring Phase II and Coastal Phase II; general-environmental protection business comprises projects such as Guangming Environmental Park Project, Mulei Project, and a number of waste treatment projects of Lande Environmental; other businesses comprise projects such as Duohua Bridge and Bimeng Project.
Toll highway business comprises projectssuch as acquisition of Bay Area Development, Outer Ring Phase III, Coastal Phase II and Jihe Expressway reconstruction and expansion project; general-environmental protection business comprises projects such as Guangming Environmental Park Project, new energy power generation projects and waste treatment projects of Bioland; other businesses comprise projects such as Duohua Bridge and Bimeng Project.
The detailed analysis of investment income from joint ventures and associates is as follows:Unit:’000 Currency: RMB Toll highway Toll revenue Cost of services Gross profit marginInvestment income of the Group Note2015Change (%)2015Change (%)2015Change (pct.
Toll highway under constructionToll highway under construction is stated at cost.The cost of toll highway under construction includes direct construction or development costs (such as material and labour), interest and administration costs directly attributable to the construction or development activity, net of toll revenues, and income from leases during the construction phase.
The detailed analysis of investment income from joint ventures and associates is as follows:Unit:’000 Currency: RMB Toll highway Toll revenue Cost of services Gross profit marginInvestment income of the Group Note 2016Change (%) 2016Change (%) 2016Change (pct.
A detailed analysis on investment income is as follows:Unit: RMB’000 Toll highway Toll revenue Cost of services Gross marginInvestment income of the Group Note2015InterimNote: Investment income of RMB2,042,000 (2014 Interim: RMB1,547,000) from Consulting Company, RMB3,000,000 (2014 Interim: Nil) from Guangdong UETC and RMB-1,072,000 (2014 Interim: Nil) from United Land Company were not included in the figures of investment income of the Group as set out in the above table.
Tow Operator shall move from the scene onto the Toll highway or regular lane only when the road is clear.
Toll highway The higher revenue attributable to the Group was due to longer number of days the Group gained control over CSSB.
Toll highway In the toll operations, CSSB contributed approximately RM23.2 million to the group revenue.
Toll highway During the three-month period ended March 31, 2019, capitalized borrowing costs aggregating to $0.1 (2018 - $0.3) were included as additions to assets under construction.