Examples of Total Claims in a sentence
Code Direct Claims Indirect Claims Adjusted Total Claims Related Col.
Entries would be: Country1 Country Code Direct Claims Indirect Claims Adjusted Total Claims Related Col.
Total Claims on BanksThe exposure under claims on banks is risk weighted based on their ECAI ratings.
Total Claims on MDBsExposures to eligible Multilateral Development Banks (“MDBs”) are risk weighted at 0%, whereas exposures to non-eligible MDBs are risk weighted subject to ECAI ratings with 50% used for unrated.
Total Claims on SovereignsExposures to the Kingdom of Bahrain, the CBB and to other sovereigns and their central banks in the relevant domestic currencies are risk weighted at 0%.
Residential Services Provider Relief - Fiscal Total Claims 4.20% Historical HCBS - 03/19 - 12/19 $ 530,429,166.90 $ 22,278,025.01 Historical ICF - 03/19 - 12/19 $ 227,766,238.00 $ 9,566,182.00 Total Fiscal $ 31,844,207.01 Home health providers who continue to provide services during this public health emergency and as a result are experiencing increase in cost related to PPE, overtime, training, cleaning etc.
Total Claims on PSEsPublic Sector Entities are risk weighted subject to ECAI ratings with 100% used for unrated.
Total Claims on CorporatesClaims on corporates are risk weighted according to their ECAI ratings.
Carriers must report “claims returned as unprocessable on a remittance advice” on line 15 (Total Claims Processed) and on line 14 (subcategory Non-CWF Claims Denied) of page one of your Form CMS-1565.
The number of top pharmacies can be specified want displayed and several different ranking methods are available: % of plan paid, PMPM, % of total claims, Total Claims, Plan paid per claim, Total Cost, Total Patient Paid, Generic % of plan paid, Total Plan Paid, and Generic % of total claims.