Examples of Total Development Costs in a sentence
Total Development Costs): $ (A negative number here represents a funding shortfall.) Each Attachment must be listed behind its own Tab.
But as with almost all of the recommendations of the Henry Review, the proposal was never implemented.Several reports have since revisited Australia’s systemic tax deduction problems.
This waiver applies to both single-family and multi-family housing, as well as non-dwelling structures supporting an activity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19.Period of Availability: This waiver and alternative requirement is available only so long as the Total Development Costs specified in Notice PIH 2019-19 remain in effect.
In order to be eligible, Initial Applications for Housing Credit must propose Total Development Costs that do not exceed the applicable amount in Table 3–2 below.
Total Development Costs): $ 0.00 (A negative number here represents a funding shortfall.) Each Attachment must be listed behind its own Tab.