Town House definition
Examples of Town House in a sentence
The Data Protection Officer can be contacted at Town House, 34 Low Street, Banff, AB45 1AN.
The Town House, Cyrus Russell Community House, Onatru Farmhouse, and the Bouton Road Town Offices are accessible to persons with physical handicaps.
Alternatively you can contact the Council’s Data Protection Officer by emailing or in writing at: The Data Protection Officer, Town House, 34 Low Street, Banff, AB45 1AY.
The Data Protection Officers can be contacted by writing to:• Mr Andrew Lawson, Data Protection Officer, Aberdeenshire Council, Business Services, Town House, 34 Low Street, Banff, AB45 1AYIf you have difficulty understanding this document and require a translation, or you need help reading this document (for example if you need it in a different format or in another language), please phone us on 01467 536230.
The Data Protection Officer can be contacted at Town House, 34 Low Street, Banff, AB45 1AY Email: Your information is being collected to use for the following purposes: • To determine your eligibility to purchase a property under the Low Cost Shared Equity Scheme and to identify the appropriate applicant for nomination.• To allow Aberdeenshire Council to audit, monitor and otherwise evaluate the scheme.