Tract 1 definition
Examples of Tract 1 in a sentence
Tract 1 of Survey under Document No. K-1142217 in Survey Book S-4 at Page 4, is now known as Tracts 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Certificate of Survey filed November 13, 1996, as Document No. K-0052123 in Survey Book S-5 at Page 83.
HiWings LLC has applied for a conditional use permit for Alcohol Sales (on-site); located at 40580 250 th St, legally described as Kelley Tract 1, a subdivision of the Southwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼; Kelley Tracts 1A and 2, a subdivision of the South ½ of the Southeast ¼; West 208.75 ’ of South 208.75’ of the Southeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼; all in Section 36, T 104 N, R 61 W of the 5 th P.M., City of Mitchell, Davison County, South Dakota.
Tract #1: Beginning at an old corner, gum and maple, corner to Joseph Milligan; thence N 4 W 52 poles to a rock marked “BB”; thence N 86 E 154 poles to a rock marked “BB”; thence S 4 E 52 poles to a small dogwood, black gum and hickory in Milligan’s line; thence with same S 86 W 150 poles to the beginning, containing 50 acres, more or less.
Each tract should be numbered sequentially starting with “1” and given an identifying name (e.g., Tract 1 - Howard Farms, Tract 2 - Brancheau Wetland, Tract 3 - McIntyre).
OR 4.—If the Secretary makes the determination under subsection (a) and subject to section 534, the Secretary of the Interior shall offer Tract 1, Tract 3, or Tract 4 for conveyance to BSNC under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.).