Examples of Trading in Influence in a sentence
Trading in Influence - the offering or solicitation of an undue advantage in order to exert an improper, real, or supposed influence.
Trading in Influence being the offering or solicitation of an undue advantage in order to exert an improper, real, or supposed influence with a view of obtaining from a public official an undue advantage for the original instigator of the act of for any other person.
Switzerland further clarified that although, formally, the Criminal Code does not provide for an offence entitled "Trading in Influence", some severe cases of trading in influence are punishable under Art.
Trading in Influence is the offering or Solicitation of an undue advantage in order to exert an improper, real, or supposed influence with a view of obtaining from a public official an undue advantage for the original instigator of the act or for any other person.
As for the regulations set forth in Article 18 of the UNCAC on Trading in Influence, Paragraph (b) of said article can be viewed as a legislative guide providing relevant legal terminology for the concept of trading in influence, while paragraph (a) offers provisions prescribing punishment for individuals offering improper benefits to the subject of the crime (public officials or others who abuse their influence or power) as defined in Paragraph (b).
Amendment for Offenses of Trading in Influence (Article 123-1): A public servant or an influential person in government entities, who accepts an unlawful profits and abuses his/her influence, will commit a crime, since it may consequently leads to a danger of improper exercise of public power.
Trading in Influence which involves the offering or solicitation of an undue advantage for the original instigator of the act or for any other person.
Head 3 - Active and Passive Trading in Influence Provide that- (1) A person who directly or indirectly, by himself or herself or with another person, corruptly offers, gives, attempts or agrees to give any gift, consideration or advantage in order to induce another person to exert an improper influence over the acts or omissions of an Irish public official or a foreign public official shall be guilty of an offence.
CC-RSArticle 353 - Trading in Influence (1) Whoever demands or accepts a reward or any other benefit for himself or another person, directly or through a third party for interceding that that an official act be or not be performed by taking advantage of his official or social position or his actual or presumed influence, shall be punished by imprisonment for a term between one year and five years.
Pa- sal 17 UNCAC 2003 tidak hanya melakukan kriminalisasi terhadap penggelapan saja, tetapi juga penyalahgunaan atau penyimpangan atas harta kekayaan (property) dalam bentuk apa- pun yang dipercayakan kepada pejabat publik.Keenam, krimininalisasi terhahadap per- dagangan pengaruh (Trading in Influence).