Training Plan means the plan that outlines what training and assessment will be conducted off-the-job and what will be conducted on-the-job and how the Registered Training Organisation will assist in ensuring the integrity of both aspects of the training and assessment process.
Training program means an NCA-approved Iowa college, the Iowa law enforcement academy or an Iowa hospital approved by the department to conduct emergency medical care training.
New jobs training program or “program” means the project or projects established by a community college for the creation of jobs by providing education and training of workers for new jobs for new or expanding industry in the merged area served by the community college. The proceeds of the certificates, as authorized by the Act, shall be used only to fund program services related to training programs made necessary by the creation of new jobs.
Mining Plan means a mining plan drawn in accordance with clause (b) of sub-section
Training Site means
Transition training means written and verbal instructions
Development Plans means a coherent set of operations defined and financed exclusively by the OCTs in the framework of their own policies and strategies of development, and those agreed upon between an OCT and the Member State to which it is linked;
Training Services means access to Red Hat training courses, including online courses or courses provided at a site as may be agreed by the parties.
Training provider means an organization meeting the eligibility conditions as mentioned in Data Sheet and selected in accordance with the criteria set forth for the purpose.
Decommissioning Plan means the document containing detailed information on the proposed decommissioning and covering the following: the selected decommissioning strategy; the schedule, type and sequence of decommissioning activities; the waste management strategy applied, including clearance; the proposed end state; the storage and disposal of the waste from decommissioning; the timeframe for decommissioning; the cost estimates for the completion of decommissioning; and the objectives, expected results, milestones, target dates, as well as the corresponding key performance indicators, including, as appropriate, earned value based indicators. The plan is prepared by the nuclear facility license holder and is reflected in the multiannual work programmes of the Programme;
Approved abuse education training program means a training program using a curriculum approved by the abuse education review panel of the department of public health or a training program offered by a hospital, a professional organization for physicians, or the department of human services, the department of education, an area education agency, a school district, the Iowa law enforcement academy, an Iowa college or university, or a similar state agency.
HUB Subcontracting Plan or “HSP” means written documentation regarding the use of subcontractors, which is required to be submitted with all responses to state agency contracts with an expected value of $100,000.00 or more where subcontracting opportunities have been determined by the state agency to be probable. The HUB subcontracting plan subsequently becomes a provision of the awarded Contract and shall be monitored for compliance by the state agency during the term of the Contract.
Training Package means a set of qualifications and units of competency developed to meet the training needs of an industry, or a group of industries, and endorsed at the national level. Training Plan means the plan for the training and assessment to be delivered to an individual created by the Training Provider pursuant to Clause 7 of Schedule 1. Training Provider Group means the Training Provider and any other registered training organisation that is a Related Training Provider, other than by reason of paragraph (b) of that term.
Training Agreement means an agreement registered under the provisions of the Industrial and Commercial Training Act 1985.
Project Plans mean the plans for the Project that are attached to this Agreement as Exhibit “B.”
Training Contract means an agreement signed by the employer and the Apprentice or Trainee (and a parent or guardian if applicable), in accordance with the Act and Regulatory requirements.
Contractor Key Personnel means the Contractor Project Manager and those Project Staff members identified as “Key Personnel” as set forth in a Statement of Work.
service delivery and budget implementation plan means a detailed plan approved by the executive mayor of the municipality, in terms of section 53(l) (c) (ii) of the MFMA, for implementing the municipality's delivery of municipal services and which indicate –
Training means instruction or teaching designed to impart a specific skill, as opposed to general knowledge.
Master subcontracting plan means a subcontracting plan that contains all the required elements of an individual subcontracting plan, except goals, and may be incorporated into individual subcontracting plans, provided the master subcontracting plan has been approved.
Procurement Plan means the Recipient’s procurement plan for the Project, dated April 2, 2010, and referred to in paragraph 1.16 of the Procurement Guidelines and paragraph 1.24 of the Consultant Guidelines, as the same shall be updated from time to time in accordance with the provisions of said paragraphs.
Quality Assurance Program means the overall quality program and associated activities including the Department’s Quality Assurance, Design-Builder Quality Control, the Contract’s quality requirements for design and construction to assure compliance with Department Specifications and procedures.
Building Plans means the general building plans in respect of the Development or in respect of any part or parts of the Development prepared by the Authorized Person and approved by the Building Authority and includes any amendments thereto from time to time approved by the Building Authority;
Final Plans with respect to any particular work or improvement means Plans which (i) have received final approval from all governmental authorities required to approve such Plans prior to completion of the work or improvements and (ii) contain sufficient specificity to permit the completion of the work or improvement.
Project Implementation Manual or “PIM” means the manual containing details of financial and accounting procedures, procurement arrangements, environmental and social monitoring and mitigation arrangements, and other administrative and organizational arrangements, as shall have been agreed with the Association for purposes of Project implementation, as the same may be amended from time to time, and such term includes any schedules to the PIM;
Transitional living program means a residential program that may be attached to an existing facility or operated solely for the purpose of assisting children to develop the skills and abilities necessary for successful adult living. The program may include, but shall not be limited to, reduced staff supervision, vocational training, educational services, employment and employment training, and other appropriate independent living skills training as a part of the transitional living program;