Transfer Option Deadline definition
Examples of Transfer Option Deadline in a sentence
The Authority will use reasonable endeavours to procure that twenty (20) Business Days after the Transfer Option Deadline, the Transfer Amount is calculated by the Third Party’s Actuary or the Authority’s Actuary (as appropriate) on the following basis and notified to the Supplier along with any appropriate underlying methodology.
The Authority shall use reasonable endeavours to procure that twenty (20) Business Days after the Transfer Option Deadline, the Transfer Amount is calculated by the Third Party’s Actuary or the Authority’s Actuary (as appropriate) on the following basis and notified to the Supplier along with any appropriate underlying methodology.
The Customer shall use all reasonable endeavours to procure that the Former Supplier’s Actuary (or for the purposes of this paragraph, the Customer Actuary where the Customer determines at its sole discretion, this is not practical or possible) calculates Transfer Amount Two within three (3) months of the Transfer Option Deadline.
The Customer shall use all reasonable endeavours to procure that the Supplier’s Actuary is notified of Transfer Amount One, and any appropriate underlying methodology, within three (3) months of the Transfer Option Deadline.
The Customer shall use all reasonable endeavours to procure that the [*** PCSPS Actuary ***] calculates Transfer Amount One within three (3) months of the Transfer Option Deadline.
The Supplier shall procure that the [*** PCSPS Actuary ***] is notified of Required Transfer Amount One, and any appropriate underlying methodology, within three (3) months of the Transfer Option Deadline.
The Supplier shall procure that the Supplier’s Actuary calculates Required Transfer Amount One within three (3) months of the Transfer Option Deadline.
The Customer shall use all reasonable endeavours to procure that the Supplier’s Actuary is notified of Transfer Amount Two, and any appropriate underlying methodology, within three (3) months of the Transfer Option Deadline.
The Supplier shall use all reasonable endeavours to procure that the Supplier’s Actuary calculates Required Transfer Amount Two within three (3) months of the Transfer Option Deadline.
The Supplier shall use all reasonable endeavours to procure that the Customer’s Actuary is notified of Required Transfer Amount Two, and any appropriate underlying methodology, within three (3) months of the Transfer Option Deadline.