Transmission System Operator Licence definition
Examples of Transmission System Operator Licence in a sentence
Currently the Utility Regulator does not apply licence fees for the holder of the SEMO (SEM Operator) licence and the holder of the Transmission System Operator Licence, SONI Ltd.
On 29 June 2006, the CER issued a Transmission System Operator Licence to EirGrid pursuant to Electricity Regulation Act, 1999, as inserted by Regulation 32 of Statutory Instrument (SI) No. 445 of 2000 (modified by Statutory Instrument 60 (2005)).
This report satisfies condition 17 of the Transmission System Operator Licence and condition 13 of the Transmission System Owner Licence.
EirGrid is required to publish an annual report on the performance of the TSO business in accordance with Condition 18 of the Transmission System Operator Licence granted to EirGrid by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU).
Under section 10A of the proposed EirGrid Transmission System Operator Licence, and section 22A of the proposed SONI Transmission System Operator Licence, the System Operator (SO) is required to report to the Regulatory Authorities, proposing parameters to be applied in the scheduling and dispatch process.
This data has been prepared by EirGrid in accordance with the requirements of Part 5 of Condition 18 of its Transmission System Operator Licence.
EirGrid plc Transmission System Operator Licence Modifications Proposals2.1 Introduction EirGrid plc holds the Transmission System Operator Licence granted by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) under Section 14(1)(e) of the Electricity Regulation Act 1999.
The CER regulates accounts submissions under Condition 14 (‘Separate Accounts for the Separate Businesses’) of ESB Networks’ Transmission System Owner Licence, Condition 20 of the ESBNG’s Transmission System Operator Licence and Condition 19 of the ESB Networks’ Distribution System Operator Licence.
This can be due to limited literature addressing the importance of what mandate the purchasers should have to make decisions based on criteria regarding carbon emissions.
I understand that all tuition and contributions are non-refundable.