Transportation Failure definition

Transportation Failure means an event or occurrence affecting the operation of a gas pipeline system (in which the Claiming Party has contracted firm transportation rights for the purpose of the relevant Individual Contract) on one or other side of the Delivery Point which:
Transportation Failure means an event or occurrence affecting the operation of a gas pipeline system (in which the Claiming Party has contracted firm transportation rights for the purpose of the relevant Individual Contract) on one or other side of the Delivery Point which: „Awaria Systemu Przesyłowego” oznacza zdarzenie lub okoliczność wpływającą na funkcjonowanie systemu gazociągów (w których Strona Dotknięta Siłą Wyższą zamówiła wiążące prawo do przesyłu na potrzeby odpowiedniej Umowy Sprzedaży) po jednej lub drugiej stronie Punktu Dostawy, która: is beyond the reasonable control of the Claiming Party and which could not reasonably have been avoided or overcome by the Claiming Party and which makes it impossible for the Claiming Party to perform its delivery or acceptance obligations in respect of the relevant Individual Contract; and is beyond the reasonable control of the Network Operator for such gas pipeline system and which could not reasonably have been avoided or overcome by such Network Operator and which makes it impossible for such Network Operator to fulfil its contractual obligations to the Claiming Party in respect of the delivery or acceptance of Natural Gas (as the case may be). pozostaje poza rozsądną kontrolą Strony Dotkniętej Siłą Wyższą i której nie była ona w stanie zapobiec ani której skutków nie była w stanie przezwyciężyć w rozsądnym zakresie, oraz która uniemożliwia Stronie Dotkniętej Siłą Wyższą wykonanie zobowiązań do dostarczenia lub odbioru Gazu Ziemnego wynikających z danej Umowy Sprzedaży; oraz pozostaje poza rozsądną kontrolą Operatora Systemu danego systemu gazociągów i której nie był on w stanie zapobiec ani której skutków nie był w stanie przezwyciężyć w rozsądnym zakresie, oraz która uniemożliwia Operatorowi Systemu wykonanie jego zobowiązań umownych wobec Strony Dotkniętej Siłą Wyższą w zakresie dostawy lub odbioru Gazu Ziemnego (w zależności od sytuacji). For the avoidance of doubt “Transportation Failure” shall include both unplanned and planned maintenance on the Seller’s/Buyer’s/Relevant System (as applicable) which prevents the performance of the claiming Party; provided, however, that in the event the applicable Delivery Point is a Notified Planned Maintenance Point and the operator of the Delivery Point, or, as applicable, the pipeline system facilities necessary for, as applicable to the underlying claim, delivery or acceptance of Natural Gas at such Delivery Point, issued a Maintenance Notice, prior to the time at which the relevan...
Transportation Failure means an event or occurrence a↵ecting the operation of a gas pipeline system (in which the Claiming Party has contracted firm transportation rights for the purpose of the relevant Individual Contract) on one or other side of the Delivery Point which:

Examples of Transportation Failure in a sentence

  • EFET members should be advised that definition of the Transportation Failure, which covers maintenances (subject to certain further requirements/provisions), and potentially leads to implications under Force Majeure clause, requires firm capacity to be contracted for the purposes of the relevant IC.

  • The Risk Assessment includes completing a Prevention through Design Table and a Transportation Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (both found in ED0012422).

  • Transportation Failure Interpretation: Emergency, vehicular failure caused by weather conditions or mechanical trouble which prevents the employee from appearing on the job.

  • Personal business days are not to be interpreted as free paid vacation days for the employees and should be used in line with the following examples: Emergencies Catastrophes Fire Transportation Failure (limited) Required court appearance Legal matters Also, marriage or graduation of an employee or a member of his/her immediate family, serious sickness in the immediate family, attendance at a wedding in the immediate family, quarantine, birth of a child (family).

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